Three Young Bagnolais Aim for the Podium in National Judo Competition

Three young Bagnolais are participating this weekend of May 18 and 19 in a national competition in Ceyrat. They are aiming for the podium in their respective categories.

Three judokas licensed at the Bagnols club, which has nearly 250 members, are participating in a national competition on Saturday May 18 and Sunday May 19 in Ceyrat, in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes. Emilie Bonin, 16 years old, will be on the mats on Saturday for the French championship 2nd cadet division in the – 63 kg category. “We’re going to play on the podium with her”, says Laurent Paul, trainer and technical sports director of the Judo Gard Rhone group of which the clubs of Bagnols, Connaux, Saint-Victor-la-Coste and Saze are part since this year. The young judokate, originally from Saint-Victor-la-Coste, already participated in a French championship last year in minor. She joined the Montpellier hope center last September. “She’s a good part of the Region, that’s why she’s structured. She trains every day and I follow her in competitions where she wears the colors of Judo 30.”

“A very family club”

Nathan Martinez, 14 years old, and Ryan Razakamanana, 15 years old, are participating on Sunday in the French first year cadet hopeful championship, respectively in the -81 and -90 kg categories. Both finished second during the regional qualifying selection for the national championship. They participated last season in the French championship. “I am very happy to be qualified againconfie Ryan. I’m going there with less stress than last year. It’s going to be nothing but happiness.” The two Bagnolais, who train between two and three times a week, are aiming for the podium. “We are working on the final details to be ready”, says Nathan. The competitions are played in two phases. You must finish in the first two of your group to reach the final table with direct elimination fights.

The Bagnols judo club, with its 250 members, represents half of the total workforce of the Rhone Judo Gard group. Judo classes start from the age of 4. The club also offers baby gym, taiso, ju-jitsu and fitness sessions. “It’s a very family club where everyone has fun”welcomes the president, Jean-Marie Herbet.

2024-05-17 12:33:08
#judokas #BagnolssurCèze #club #shine #national #scene


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