This is a first in English boxing: Varois Maho, a transgender man, obtains his license to fight among men

We told you about it a few weeks ago. After seeing his gender identity recognized by the State*, Maho was awaiting favorable feedback from the French Boxing Federation to obtain a professional license to fight for men.

Since Friday May 10, the step towards obtaining the precious sesame has been taken. For the moment, this is a license “in the men’s elite amateur category, says Maho. She is delivered in return for 5 fights that I have to compete in and, depending on the results, if I win them, I will have my professional license”. The Boxing Federation took into account her record in amateur boxing among womenMaho being vice-champion of France and French military champion in less than 52 kilos.

If the boxer had “hyper confidence” in his lawyer Michel Pautot, specialized in sports law, he did not think “really not that with the Federation things go so quickly, because we always say that it’s a macho sport”.

“A good decision that goes in the direction of inclusion”

For Me Pautot, “Maho advances the cause” and it’s “a good decision which goes in the direction of inclusion. Sport must bring people together. If we prevent transgender people from playing sport, it is discrimination”.

The lawyer relied on the case of the IOC which authorized Laurel Hubbard, a transgender woman, to compete in the Tokyo Games in weightlifting.

“All federations will have to take a position on this subject. But time will work in favor of transgender people, assured Michel Pautot. It’s like the fact that there are foreign players on sports teams. 40 years ago, everyone was against it. Now everyone is for it.”

Maho, surrounded by his lawyer Michel Pautot and his trainer Diego Negri this Wednesday, May 15. Photo DR.

“We are fully on board with my coach”

Maho will now focus on the ring. “We are fully engaged with my coach. Since I heard the good news, he has motivated me enormously.”

His first fights should take place in June. In the meantime, the athlete is supported by the unwavering support of those around him.

“Whatever the outcome of the upcoming fights, I am truly honored to be the first textbook case and that it is a first step in changing mentalities regarding sport and all trans people”concludes the boxer.

*Assigned female at birth, he was recognized as male by civil status in December 2023.


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