Thibaut Courtois’ Surprise Inclusion in Belgium’s Euro Pre-Selection List

Would Thibaut Courtois and Domenico Tedesco have rounded the corners? Last December, the Belgian goalkeeper, injured in the knee and in open conflict with his coach, announced his withdrawal from the Euro. However, the news in recent hours in Belgium is his presence in the pre-list of the Red Devils for the European Championship.

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As advanced by the DH this Friday, Domenico Tedesco decided to call on the Madrilenian in his expanded list of 40 names. Four other goalkeepers, namely Koen Casteels, Matz Sels, Thomas Kaminski and Arnaud Bodart are also present. Tuesday, at 10:00 a.m., the Italian will communicate his final list.

Pub. 05/24/2024 8:08 p.m. Updated 05/24/2024 9:45 p.m.

2024-05-24 18:08:01
#Thibaut #Courtois #Belgiums #prelist #Euro


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