They render a management report on Attention to the Insured in the Betania Polyclinic during the last five years

The Policyholder Services Department (AT) of the “Don Alejandro De La Guardia, Jr.” Polyclinic from Social Security Fund (CSS), located in the town of Betania, presented its management report during a meeting held in the auditorium of this executing unit.

Oriel Ballesteros, supervisor of Attention to the Insured, explained that the perseverance, effort and dedication; Besides the collaboration of the authorities, elements that were the fundamental key to achieving the objectives and thus providing quality care quality to policyholders and beneficiaries who come to request health services.

Ballesteros made a summary of the most difficult years for Panama and the world, 2020 and 2021 and how Attention to the Insured got involved on the topic of pandemic giving immediate response to citizens, hand in hand with the Betania health personnel.

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He also highlighted the work that has been carried out for the benefit of patients in 2022, 2023 and so far in 2024.

They emphasized that the patients have received from the insured care team immediate response for the topic of medical appointments, radiological studies, laboratories, pharmacyamong others.

On the other hand, they have made interactive campaigns with patients so that they improve their quality of life and become agents that multiply information that can in a moment save their lives or those of their loved ones.

In this meeting recognition was given to the supervisor and the AT team and the medical and administrative authorities, human resources, nursing, medical records and the national director of Densa (National Executive Directorate of Attention to the Insured) participated.

2024-05-23 01:43:06
#render #management #report #Attention #Insured #Betania #Polyclinic #years


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