They predict that the impact of the Paris Olympics will be more psychological than economic

They predict that the impact of the Paris Olympics will be more psychological than economic

▲ According to a study by the IOC and the organizers, the profit that the fair will leave goes from 6,700 to 11,100 million euros, which many consider limited. Photo @Paris2024


La Jornada Newspaper
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, p. a12

Paris. The Olympic and Paralympic Games should generate an economic impact of between 6,700 and 11,100 million euros for Paris and its region, according to a study commissioned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the organizers of the summer event. which was published yesterday.

The Center for Sports Law and Economics (CDES), which updated the figures from a previous study carried out in 2016, revised its economic income projections, which ranged between 5,300 and 10,700 million euros for the region. of the French capital.

Measuring the monetary impact of mega sporting events is complex, and the authors urged caution when interpreting the results.

The CDES base scenario foresees an impact of 6,707 million euros between 2018 and 2034, divided into three large sections: organization (3,200 million), construction (2,100) and tourism (1,400).

The central scenario estimates 8,990 million euros: 3,800 linked to the organization, 2,500 to construction and 2,700 linked to tourism.

Finally, the high scenario is betting on an impact of 11,145 million euros, broken down into 4,600, 3,000 and 3,600, respectively.

These figures are estimates in current euros, taking into account inflation since the last CDES study.

Without taking inflation into account, the economic impact ranges between 5,700 and 9,500 million euros, which is a calculation comparable to that of 2016.

The available studies in this regard anticipate a limited impact of the Olympic Games on the French economy.

The Asterès firm estimated in February that they would lead to an increase in tax and social income of 5.3 billion euros. The governor of the Bank of France, François Villeroy de Galhau, for his part, considered in March that the eventual benefit of the Games would be more psychological than economic.

2024-05-15 11:08:14
#predict #impact #Paris #Olympics #psychological #economic


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