The Villa de Los Santos is ready for the start of Corpus Christi

It is an activity that, in addition to being festive and religious, generates sources of economic income for the population, since there are many people who attend La Villa to enjoy it.

The organizers announced that they are working around the clock to have everything ready for the festival, which begins this Saturday with the ritual of the Devil Encuetao’ a long-standing tradition that marks the beginning of the Corpus Christi cycle.

On this date, the eve of the Holy Trinity, at noon, The dirty devils come out of every corner of the park carrying a stanchion or flyer, and later they walk through the main streets.

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Aristides Burgos, president of the Miguel Leguizamo Dance Association, He explained that this symbolizes the protection of the people prior to activities that exalt the Body of Christ.

Next Wednesday the 29th, the activities continue with the Cuarteo del Sol, also at noon and on Thursday the 30th, the festival of Corpus Christi, with slightly religious and cultural activities.

Burgos indicated that for Corpus Christi day they will make 24 majestic rugs with different materials such as salt, sawdust, grains and flowers, through which the procession of the Blessed Sacrament will pass.

These rugs They will be made by students, artists and the general public, including rug makers from six invited countries who will hold an international meeting in La Villa.

2024-05-24 21:59:21
#Villa #Los #Santos #ready #start #Corpus #Christi


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