The Verona Coach Praises Juric and Prepares for Match Against Torino

The Verona coach: “Juric is a good coach, he has done extraordinary things here”

Marco Baroni presents Verona’s match against Torino tomorrow in a press conference.

“The team knows perfectly what it has to do – says the Hellas coach – we have to achieve a maximum performance both individually and as a team. We worked hard during the week also trying to recover our mental energy. We know the pitfalls of the match, we play against a strong team with a good coach who has done important things. The match they played against Bologna was highly competitive, tomorrow we will have to guess the approach to the match trying not to make any mistakes in terms of determination.

We cannot stay low, because in the last thirty meters their best qualities come out, we need to have a proactive attitude, when these teams take control of the game it becomes difficult to contain them.

Juric? He is a coach that I respect and respect, we have met many times, he started from the bottom and won championships, he has done an extraordinary job here, it is undeniable.

Injured? Apart from Folorunsho who is disqualified, everyone is there, Vinagre is recovered.

Will Bentegodi be able to give you the right energy? Surely, I have always said it, we know it and I remind my team: we need to channel the energy that the public will be able to transmit to us, we need them and they have always been there, as always we will try all together to achieve the result “.

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May 11, 2024 (modified May 11, 2024 | 7:54 pm)


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