The Unbreakable Bond: Rafael Nadal and His Uncle Toni on the Road to Success

At almost 38 years old, Rafael Nadal is experiencing his last competitions. Titled 14 times champion on the Roland-Garros course, the Spanish tennis player had his first coach, his uncle, Toni Nadal, himself a former tennis champion. He immediately saw his nephew’s predispositions. “There is a lot, a lot of love between Toni and Rafa, a lot of respect, it’s a family adventure“, explains Fabrice Santoro, former professional tennis player.

Toni Nadal’s training is tough, young Rafael is a little roughed up and often returns home to his parents crying. “But we are obliged to recognize that this type of coaching was a huge success and it did not damage the family relationship”, concedes Corinne Dubreuil, photographer and author of a photo book Nadal – Iconic published by Amphora. “Rafa was an outstanding student and he is an extremely respectful, disciplined, rigorous champion in his work and he’s a super soldier“, summarizes the photographer.

While he is naturally right-handed, Toni Nadal will impose on his champion seed to play with the left hand, a tactical opportunity which will later pay off. Despite painful training, both physically and mentally, the two men are very close to each other. “I saw them evolve together. There is a love that is unconditional and they are fusional”, testifies Fabrice Santoro.

The guests of “Confidential”

– Fabrice Santoro, consultant and former multi-titled professional tennis player, 17th in the world in the ATP rankings.
– Corinne Dubreuil, photographer and author of the photo book Nadal – Iconic published by Amphora

Read also :

Nadal the ultimate warrior by Guillaume Lagnel (Amphora)
Nadal – Iconic by Corinne Dubreuil (Amphora)
Rafaby Rafael Nadal and John Carlin (I read)

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2024-05-17 17:00:00
#Toni #Nadal #Rafael #love #unconditional #tennis #player #Fabrice #Santoro


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