The teachers of the schools of Bergamo, Pioli catchphrase, Conte Napoli almost, Ranieri’s flannel shirt

Under the Irish sky

As in a fairy tale written by a novelist who lives in a farmhouse in Bergamo Alta, theGasperini’s Atalanta E winsuropa League. Il Leverkusen Of Alonso is overwhelmed by the Bergamo people, Lookman he remembers playing in Premier League and pulls three spells out of the wish hat. There Dea reaches the top of the football Olympus for the first time in history. The Guinness there are countless numbers of people cheering with Irish dancing and joyful chants Atalanta will remember Ireland as a wonderful land. History was written at Dublin, in the schools of Bergamo the teachers have already written on the blackboard the team that opened the drawer of dreams one night in May, sending provincial football into ecstasy. Assuming it’s still provincial football. You decide.

L’Atalanta vince l’Europa League – Ph France 24

Summer hits

However, those who exited the Europa League earlier than expected are Stefano Pioli’s Milan, or rather the Milan of the former Stefano Pioli. Confirmation of the farewell arrived in recent days, Pioli is On Fire it’s now part of the past, summer catchphrases pass and are quickly forgotten, perhaps too quickly. It’s over piolismoin the worst way according to many, because the second star of theInter and an endless series of lost derbies has ruined the relationship between coach, club and fans. As a good businessman, Pioli has never dared to ask for more and has always worked with the material made available to him, whether it is an advantage or a flaw in this case too is up to you to decide. Self Lopetegui did not satisfy the needs of the fans, Fonseca it doesn’t fascinate. Incidentally, it seems almost done between the former Roma coach and the Devil. The Rossoneri people would have wanted Conte, but the Lecce coach is suspended between London and Naples.

Stefano Pioli – Ph Facebook

Conte and Da Laurentiis together?

Antonio Conte, precisely. The Chelsea is looking for the heir of Pochettinoil Napoli for weeks he has been probing the earth, with Of Lawrence who after having changed three coaches in just one season, can do no wrong. Antonio Conte at Napoli it could be one of those winning combinations, but some of the press has already raised the alarm level since the president and coach have not bad personalities. At the very least Aurelio will ask the manager to win the Scudetto. Logical consequence: an important market will be needed, Napoli fans are excited.

Antonio Conte – Ph by Planet Football

Sir Claudio says enough

The retirement as coach of Sir Claudio Ranieri It’s a blow to the heart for everyone, young and old. Yet another achievement in an incredible career sends him off the green lawn. We still seem to always see him standing in a suit and tie while he pushes his Leicester towards the victory of Premier Leaguebecause this is precisely how Italy has learned to appreciate, once again, an immortal coach. The salvation of Cagliari bears the autograph of the man who held together a dressing room that creaked like never before, Claudio rolled up the sleeves of his flannel shirt and resumed command of a ship in trouble. The applause for the Roman coach will never be enough.

Claudio Ranieri wins the Premier League with Leicester – Ph Leicester Mercury

2024-05-25 16:59:21
#teachers #schools #Bergamo #Pioli #catchphrase #Conte #Napoli #Ranieris #flannel #shirt


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