The Strained Relationship Between Xavi and Barcelona: A Closer Look

Just three weeks after Xavi will announce that he was staying on the Barcelona bench with the approval of the president after the meeting between the two, the relationship has once again suffered a considerable decline. The cause was the statements made by the coach in the run-up to this Thursday’s game against Almería. In them, the coach addressed the delicate situation of the club that does not allow him to make the signings that he would like.

Xavi: “I am calm and with the utmost enthusiasm, and this is what I convey to the president and Deco”

It was a speech sincere and realistic, but it has not gone down well with the noble part of the club. Laporta has always been characterized by triumphalist demonstrations in which, despite the bad moment the club is going through, he always promised success and titles. Xavi has skipped the established script, facing, surely for the first time, the real situation of the club.

Vitor Roque and Real Madrid

They also did not like another part of the statements in which he spoke of Victor Roque. The coach said that the Brazilian was not expected to arrive at the club in January. And if he hasn’t played it’s because there were other players ahead of him. Here the president considers that he distanced himself from a situation in which he was also responsible because he had accepted the signing and incorporation of Roque. And he didn’t like that I said it couldn’t be done either. compete against Real Madrid and that what had to be done was to improve. Laporta was disappointed by what he understands to be a lack of ambition.

Deco, Laport and Xavi on the day of the coach’s confirmation.

Change of posture

Laporta’s anger is considerable. He does not understand the position of a coach who just a few days ago had told him that he was willing to fight for everything next season. The president believes that these two positions do not agree: the one he gave him in a personal meeting and in these words that he said before the media.

Absences in Almería

Laporta and Deco did not travel to Almería as they usually do on any trip. A circumstance that made us suspect that relations were really very complicated. The club indicated that the president had not traveled agenda issues. Just like the Sports Director who had personal commitments in Portugal. Curiously, Rafa Ayuste did not speak before the game as usual.

Xavi: “Before the Barça coach said I want to sign this one, this one and this one…”

Xavi remains

“They haven’t told me anything. The relationship doesn’t change. Everything is normal. I said what I think is real. We fight for all the titles and I have ambition and enthusiasm but the situation is not easy. It doesn’t change our reality. Totally sure that I will be the coach next season. I am excited and continue to have the honor of being in this club. I have the ambition to win titles, but the situation is not the best,” said the coach after the Almería game.

There will be no drastic measures

Despite the distance, there will be no consequences. This Thursday it was said that the president was willing to fire the coach, but that has not crossed the minds of either Laporta or Deco. They did not like the coach’s statements, but not to that point. Xavi, for his part, said in a press conference that he was sure that he would be the coach next season.

2024-05-16 22:23:00
#Barça #Tsunamis #Life #Barça


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