The Standard’s Last Stand: Tensions Rise as 777 Partners’ Management Draws Criticism

The Standard is undoubtedly living its last months under the management of 777 Partners. The tension only grew as the season progressed.

Wherever 777 Partners has set up shop, discontent seems to be widespread. In addition to the situation of Standard, Hertha Berlin or Vasco da Gama, one of the most striking examples is that of Everton, where the revolt is organized to avoid at all costs the arrival of the American investment fund.

Even clubs that are not directly affected by the practices of 777 are starting to get involved.

This weekend, we saw a banner “Chassez 777 Partners du football” flourish on the occasion of the German second division meeting between Sankt Pauli and VFL Osnabruck.

A generalized fed up

A traditional club par excellence (also promoted to the Bundesliga), it is well within Standardwith whom relations are excellent, that Sankt Pauli sent his message, although Hertha Berlin also suffered from the passage of 777.

Josh Wander and his acolytes will obviously not be missed by the football community.

2024-05-13 17:30:00
#Chase #Partners #football #unexpected #support #Standard #supporters #Tout #football


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