The Rise of Domestic Club Badminton: A Look at National Competitions

A look at the national badminton competition for domestic clubs.

Badminton was once called a ‘mineral spring sport.’ A mineral spring is a place where mineral water that is good for your body springs out when you drink it. If you go in the morning at the foot of a mountain near the neighborhood or near a mineral spring with good accessibility, you can often see people exercising. Badminton was often played by holding a racket and passing shuttlecocks back and forth. That’s why badminton is said to be a spring water sport.

Some of those who learned badminton at a mineral spring in the back of the neighborhood become club members to improve their skills. Voluntary and passionate badminton enthusiasts’ groups are spread out like a spider’s web at the city, county, and district levels. Former National Assembly member Shin Kye-ryun, who served as the 29th president of the Badminton Association, initially started playing badminton to manage his district, but fell in love with the sport and later became the head of the association.

Regular badminton games are played on indoor courts, but the general public can enjoy playing without a net in outdoor parks. It is estimated that there are about 3 million badminton enthusiasts nationwide. This itself is the highest level among all sports. If you include people who enjoy playing badminton in various places such as apartment complexes, mineral springs, and outdoor parks, the badminton population will increase countless times.

As for the number of badminton club competitions, there are five nationwide competitions hosted by the association. When a national competition is held, approximately 3,000 to 5,000 enthusiasts participate. It is said that there are 17 city/province association chess competitions held by each city/province association, and there are more than hundreds of competitions held by cities, counties, and districts.

Badminton is now an indoor sport that can be enjoyed all year round. People of all ages and genders can exercise together. Men and women shoot shuttlecocks in doubles, and the whole family can participate together. Even at club gatherings, you can play games closely divided by level.

Currently, club members are divided into four grades from A to D. Level licenses are issued based on the results of the Badminton Association’s long-term competition by local government. Numerous private competitions hosted by badminton equipment companies such as Yonex also differentiate between licenses. Class A hobbyists have no difficulty competing with professional players.

Badminton is a national sport and has great exercise effects. In the future, badminton should not be viewed only as a general elite sport, but should be recognized as a sport enjoyed by the public and actively encouraged.

[김학수 마니아타임즈 기자 / [email protected]]

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2024-05-17 23:51:11
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