The Return of Pablo Carreño Busta: From Olympic Bronze to Roland Garros

Pablo Carreño Busta (Gijón, 1991) touched the sky of Tokyo after winning the battle for Olympic bronze against the almighty, even more so then, Novak Djokovic. Three years later, and after having suffered horrors due to an elbow injury that has kept him off the slopes for more than a year, the Spaniard returns just in time. He does it on the eve of Roland Garros, the same setting for an Olympic event that he does not want to miss, whether in singles or doubles, “we will have the feeling of being in a new Grand Slam.”

Count the hours to return to the slopes after a very hard journey: “The hardest thing is watching time go by, doing everything they tell you and not knowing if you are going to be well again and recover your level.”“. Finally he is back: “There were times when I didn’t want to watch tennis on TV, it made me very angry not to be with them.”

On the horizon, the Games, where he can go due to his protected ranking, the same case as Nadal or Badosa. If he finally attends, he is realistic: “It will be difficult to compete for a medal because of this break, you have to be realistic. Maybe the doubles will not require arriving at such a pace.” There is a lot of talk about the Nadal-Alcaraz duo, but the best Spanish doubles player, Marcel Granollers, is looking for a partner

Spain, after the problems in finding players for Tokyo 2020, will have options in singles, it will add the men’s and women’s doubles… And it could even have them in the mixed, a competition that already starts in the round of 16: “You never think about the mixed double… and it is a medal the same, with two games you are already in the semifinals, but that place belongs to Marcel Granollers, He is the king of doubles.

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2024-05-23 04:03:20
#times #didnt #watch #tennis


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