The precariousness of sports insurance

There are only two months left until start of the Paris Olympics and the sporting atmosphere is already contagious. Surely, many vocations for new athletes will arise, but as Márquez (former gymnast) says: “First make sure that your sports insurance is up to datebecause then accidents like mine can happen and you are left with one hand in front and one behind.”

We can listen to his testimony by playing the video by clicking on the image. Apart from him we will also listen to Lucas de Ulacia, a motorcycling pilot who fights through his foundation for some decent compensation for athletes. Thanks to the pressure they exerted, the previous Sports Law of 1990 was changed by the new Sports Law 2022, which in article 23.3 says:

“3. The amount of the minimum mandatory insurance benefits sports will be, at the very least, that of the scale established for the assessment of damages caused in a traffic accident. Particularly, in the case of motor sportsmen.” So that there are no doubts about whether the 1990 law must be applied, in its repealing provision it clearly states: “Any provisions of equal or lower rank that oppose, contradict or are incompatible with the provisions of this law are hereby repealed and, in particular : a) Law 10/1990, of October 15, on Sports.” We emphasize equal or lower rank, that is, also the regulations, such as that of 1993, derived from the Sports Law of 1990. Well, do not miss clicking on the video to find ourselves with a paradox when it comes to the application of the sports law. sport and which is denounced by the government’s highest advisory body, the Council of State, as noted in its 2022 report and point IX. The result is that Sports insurance updates do not apply. Before joining any sport, don’t miss the video. Because in the event of an accident, surprises can be very, very unpleasant.

2024-05-26 13:32:24
#precariousness #sports #insurance


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