The Paris Olympic Games will have an economic impact of 9 billion euros

The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will have a economic impact of 9 billion euros for the preparations for the event, its celebration and for the following ten years, the organizers advanced this Tuesday.

The figure “is not a measure of profitability but rather an increase in economic activity if there had been no Olympic Games,” he explained. Christophe Lepetit, responsible for the Center for Sports Law and Economics (CDES), in the presentation of a study by the Organizing Committee of the Games.

This impact includes the effects between 2018 and 2034 in the economy of tourism and the infrastructure built by the Games, which begin next July 26.

Housing and transportation

Furthermore, it takes into account not only the immediate impact during this year, but is projected in the long term, until 2034, to measure, for example, the effects that the construction of housing or public transport they may have in economic activity.

According to Lepetit, the impact of 9,000 million – which is the intermediate projection of a range that goes from 6,100 to 11,100 million – cannot be compared with previous editions of the Olympic Games due to differences in methodology.

“However, as of now, we have managed to establish a standard methodology, together with the IOC, which will serve to compare the next editions of the Olympic Games, starting with Los Angeles 2028,” clarified this specialist, who highlighted the participation of the OECD in this new form of calculation.

16 million visitors

The Parisian organization said that expects between 2.3 and 3.1 million foreign visitors, an estimate based on ticket sales for the Olympics. (July 26-August 11). In total, some 16 million visitors in Paris and its region.

The French Minister of Tourism, Olivia Grégoire, who participated in the presentation, stressed that the region of Paris “is an economic lung” of France, a country that “is the world’s leading tourist destination, both in number of visitors and in income.”

For the minister, “the difficult thing now is to maintain that privileged position”, for which she has the contribution of the Olympic and Paralympic Games – the latter from August 28 to September 8 -.

For the organization of the appointment itself, The budget is 4.4 billion euros -of which almost 200 million of public money is allocated to the Paralympics-, while for perennial works it rises to 4.5 billion euros, of which 1.7 billion come from the public treasury.

2024-05-14 15:56:19
#Paris #Olympic #Games #economic #impact #billion #euros


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