The NFL’s Strategic Expansion: Reaching Three Continents with International Games

What you need to know:

One of the main ideas of the NFL is to reach 3 different continents in the near future

The NFL is one of those leagues that does not move without huarachewho knows perfectly well his strategic expansion movements with international matches, seeking to make everything a win-win.

It is no coincidence that they take several games to England, where there are always full stadiums; or Germany, where the NFL was once and even Brazil, where one would think that American football is not seen, but it is quite the opposite.

Obviously, we cannot stop thinking about Mexico, which is the second country with the greatest fans of the NFL -only behind the United States-, although for reasons unrelated to the league and the country, they cannot come to the Azteca Stadium.

Quite a spectacle in England – Photo: Getty Images

What’s next for the NFL and international games going forward?

It is known that a few years ago, The NFL charted a path that would take it to more countries. At first, in the niches that he had “safe” like Mexico and England.

Fortunately for the league, these regular season international games worked out perfectly. Happy fans, good matches and a wallet full of pure profits.

With these results, anyone’s eyes would have shined, but The NFL was not left alone with those destinationsthey wanted more and started working on it to achieve it.

Adam Schefter the ESPN spoke on his podcast about this plan that the American football league has for the following years with international matches in several countries.

First, he mentions that a schedule of 18 games per team is in mind, remembering that at the moment there are 17 and the most notable thing is that the plan would have each franchise with one international match per season.

The NFL goes to more countries for its international games – Photo: Getty Images

Other exploitable markets for the NFL and international games

The league commissioner, Roger Goodell spoke a few weeks ago about international matcheshow he sees fans from other countries and much more.

The reaction we get from fans every time we play a new market is we will continue in London, we will continue playing in Germany and I hope to continue playing in Brazil“, said.

Of course, Roger still has the idea of ​​returning to Mexico -when he can-, but warns that there are other countries that the NFL has been probing for several years.

Spain is one of them, since in that country the fever for American football is alive and well. They had several teams in the defunct NFL Europe and it is official that it will be played at the Santiago Bernabéu.

Also, The possibility of Australia becoming a new destination for the American football league soundsso it would reach three different continents… What other destination would you like to see?

Spain will enter the NFL calendar for 2025 – Photo: Getty Images

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2024-05-23 16:00:34
#NFL #plan #teams #international #games


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