The Mysterious Retirement of Italian Tennis Player Camila Giorgi: Investigations and Unanswered Questions


Some days ago, Camila Giorgi, the Italian tennis player daughter of Sergio Giorgi from La Plata, a combatant during the Falklands War, was shrouded in a halo of mystery since, at 32 years old and 116th in the ranking, she abruptly retired, without prior announcements. Investigated for tax problems and targeted for a case of falsification of documents linked to vaccination against Covid-19, different versions were released. Days later, she herself confirmed her retirement through social media and spoke of “inaccurate rumors.” However, another unclear chapter involves her.

Not only the tax authorities would be looking for Giorgi (she would be in the US), but also the owner of a residence in Calenzano, near Florence, where the former tennis player (26th in 2018 and winner of four titles) lived until recently. a few months, before his escape. “Not only did they leave without a word with six months of unpaid rent, but they made half of our furniture disappear. Persian rugs, fine furniture and even a half-ton antique table. “We are talking about damages between 50 and 100 thousand euros,” the owner of the house confessed in the newspaper. The Republic.

Italian Camila Giorgi and her Argentine father/coach, Sergio Giorgi

On the 7th of this month, the same day that the Italian Open began in Rome, Giorgi appeared as retired on the website of the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) and was removed from the anti-doping protocol in which all the professional players. There were no new posts on social media from her, she had last played in the Miami tournament (last March) and when the WTA looked for her for a comment, they found phones disconnected.

After his mysterious retirement announcement, La Gazzetta dello Sport had reported that the Guardia di Finanza was investigating Giorgi for “vacuums” in his fiscal responsibilities. And now this unusual news emerges. The story also has an incredible chapter, with an alleged exchange of messages between the owner of the residence and Sergio, the former athlete’s father.

“I wrote to him that they should at least give us back our things, he responded in a derogatory manner saying that they were objects of little value,” said the owner of the Giorgi’s former home. Hateful behavior, for those like me who have suffered economic but also emotional damage. I can’t know how much is true or how much Camila owes the State, but I know what she owes us. “These objects are part of my mother’s life and mine: I want to recover them, at least up to this point, given that we have lost hope due to the thousands and thousands of euros of back rent.”

According to different Italian journalistic records, the torment for the owner of the property began when the neighbors, a few months ago, notified him of the arrival of some vans in front of the chalet, to begin the move. “When I arrived there was no one left and the house was half empty. In the garden, however, there was other furniture and rugs piled on top of each other. They had probably already filled the trucks and no longer knew where to put them,” he explained.

Camila Giorgi during a press conference at the Australian Open, in January 2023

A hypothesis that was being considered about Giorgi’s retirement is the relationship of the former tennis player born in Macerata (eastern Italy) with a case by the Vicenza Prosecutor’s Office for falsification of coronavirus vaccines, an investigation sent to trial that, recalls the Journal, also implicated the singer Madame. “Emigrated by choice or necessity, this seems to be the final point of a player full of unmaterialized qualities,” the newspaper said for her part. Corriere della Sera.

Of the four titles that Giorgi won, the most valuable was the Canadian WTA 1000, in Montreal 2021. In addition, she was a quarterfinalist at Wimbledon 2018. During her career, she fully trusted her father and coach. Sergio, many times, received criticism for his impulsive work methods, something that Giorgi always defended. “Dad believed in me from the beginning, we have a unique bond,” said Camila, often compared to Steffi Graf because of her impeccable footwork.

Camila Giorgi reached the top 30 and won four titlesAFP

“There are agents with whom I argued. He would go to tournaments and have to talk to a lot of people and it would end nowhere. I want to build Camila’s future. They give the players little money, except for the top 20. And I’m not satisfied with that. I am a bit idealistic and in this world where so much money is handled, you cannot be so, so idealistic. The majority in the world of tennis are sharks,” Sergio told LA NACION, during an interview in 2013, in New York. Today, they are still observed in Italy, but for more complex matters…

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2024-05-20 12:40:00
#Camila #Giorgi #chapter #mysterious #retirement #tennis #accused #stealing #luxury #furniture


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