The Mysterious Retirement of Camila Giorgi: Tax Debts, Legal Troubles, and Disappearance

The disappearance of Camila Giorgi is not only causing mystery in her native Italy. The world-class tennis player went into hiding and very suddenly announced the end of her career last weekend.

She announced to her “dear fans” via Instagram on Sunday: “I am happy to officially announce my retirement from tennis.” She is “grateful for the wonderful love over so many years.”

The 32-year-old’s whereabouts are not known, and there is no lack of possible reasons for her fleeing the public eye.

Giorgi has problems with the tax authorities and the judiciary in Italy. According to “Gazzetta dello Sport”, the “tennis model” has tax debts amounting to almost half a million euros, and the tax office is now hunting the family, but cannot track them down.

Giorgi is also suspected of having traveled to the Australian Open in 2022 unvaccinated and with a fake vaccination certificate. Giorgi has so far denied the allegations and is scheduled to appear in court in Verona on July 16th.

Tennis: Camila Giorgi’s last match in March

Giorgi was once number 26 in the world, but she is still ranked 116th by the WTA. She played her last game in March in Miami, a 1:6, 1:6 against world number one Iga Swiatek. Even now, it is assumed that Giorgi is likely to be in the USA.

The legal representatives of the Giorgi family have now also made public statements. The tennis player has left Italy, “she has taken a break and wants to decide how she will organize her life after the end of her sports career,” lawyers Federico Marini and Cristian Carmelo Nicotra are quoted in the “Gazzetta”.

This “break” has nothing to do with the tax authorities or with Giorgi’s legal problems. She will return to Italy “soon” and clarify her position.

2024-05-14 10:09:00
#Escape #justice #Guessing #missing #Camila #Giorgi


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