The month of spectacular blooms in the Oasi Zegna is now

Between the second half of May and the first of June is the month of spectacular blooms in the Oasi Zegna, especially those of the Conca dei Rododendri, at the beginning of the Panoramica Zegna a few steps from Trivero Valdilana. To best admire this spectacle of nature, numerous outdoor activities are organized in Oasi Zegna such as guided excursions, nature immersions, watercolor workshops, e-bike tours and much more.

The month of spectacular blooms in the Oasi Zegna is now

In this period the Oasi Zegna takes on multiple faces, one more evocative than the other: the lower part (which starts from Trivero Valdilana at around 800 meters and includes the Rhododendron Basin) welcomes the spring blooms, while the upper part (around 1400 m) definitively awakens from winter with snowdrops and daffodils. An exciting season with many experiences to live in the area.

The Rhododendron Basin

An enchanting valley easily reachable by car along path no. 1 of the Oasi Zegna, in which hundreds and hundreds of Rhododendrons were planted in the first half of the last century according to a broader project to enhance the territory wanted by Ermenegildo Zegna and subsequently followed, arranged and perfected by famous landscape architects like Pietro Porcinai, who collaborated with Zegna for about twenty years, and more recently Paolo Pejrone.

Today the Oasi Zegna basin is considered the most beautiful Italian rhododendron flowering and one should not miss the magical moment. In May and June the valley, just above Trivero Valdilana, at 800 m. altitude can be reached on foot from the Zegna Center, by car or bike through the Panoramica Zegna. The Conca can be explored on foot with a short walk on an enchanting and well-marked path, suitable for everyone, which immerses itself in the flowery patches of fabulous colours: pink above all, in all its shades and variegations, but also white, purple, fuchsia.

The walks guided by Over Alp experts: from 18 May to 2 June

8 appointments, starting from May 18th to June 2nd, during which naturalist guides will illustrate the phenomenon of flowering, accompanying visitors among wonderful floral specimens and open air works of art such as “Two Way Mirror/ Hedge Arabesque” by Dan Graham created for the “All’Aperto” project promoted by Fondazione Zegna: an installation which, through differentiated refraction, envelops visitors in a play of reflections, multiplying their gazes on the surrounding landscape and on the colors ensured by the blooms.

Not only weekends but also midweek outings. In fact, OverAlp also offers Oasi Thursdays which combine the discovery of the Conca dei Rododendri with longer excursions, lasting approximately 3 hours, starting from the Cascina Il Faggio farmhouse, a few steps from the Brughiera woods.


SATURDAY and SUNDAY: 6pm-7pm; 25-26 MAY; 1-2 JUNE
TIMES: morning, meeting at 10am, departure 10.30am. Afternoon: meeting at 2pm, departure at 2.30pm. Duration approximately 2 hours.
MEETING POINT: Valle dei Rododendri car park on the provincial road SP232, 13835 Valdilana BI
FULL RATES: 14 euros adults; 10 euros for children between 8 and 16 years old; children free
INFO: Oasi Zegna Tel. 340 1989593, [email protected] OverAlp tel. 3496252576; [email protected]

THURSDAY: 23 and 30 MAY
TIMES: meeting at 9.30am. Duration approximately 3 hours.
MEETING: the departure is from the Cascina il Faggio farmhouse in the Brughiera area.
FULL RATES: 15 euros adults; 10 euros for children between 8 and 16 years old; children free
INFO: Oasi Zegna Tel. 340 1989593, [email protected] OverAlp tel. 3496252576; [email protected]

All appointments in May and June

For outdoor sports enthusiasts, the Oasi Zegna offers a varied possibility of trekking routes, Nordic walking, mountain biking and even a rock gym! It will be possible to test your physical abilities by immersing yourself in the splendid nature of the Biella Alps.

For two-wheel enthusiasts, the BOMB FIORITO event returns on Sunday 19 May, the first event of 2024 with the “BOMB” releases (the others will be on 21 July and 20 October). This time we will spend the day riding comfortable e-bikes and we will cycle for approximately 20km among the bright spring colors given by the landscapes of the Oasi Zegna and we will discover the evocative blooms of the Conca dei Rododendri.

For lovers of running, on June 9th there will be the OASI ZEGNA TRAIL, an opportunity to test yourself in a stimulating natural environment, with routes that cross woods and mountain paths.

On Saturday 15 June, the appointment with the “Trofeo Alpi Biellesi-BI ROLLER”, a competitive inline roller skating competition which stands out for being the “highest” in Italy and Europe, returns to Oasi Zegna for the second year thanks to the altitude of the route.

Wellbeing and Health in Oasi Zegna

Oasi Zegna offers a range of events focused on wellbeing and health, including retreats, workshops and activities that promote meditation, relaxation and a healthy lifestyle.

For those looking for an all-encompassing experience in the woods, there will be a day dedicated to FOREST BATHING on Saturday 25 May. Based on the Japanese concept of “Shinrin-yoku,” which means “bathing in the forest,” this event invites participants to connect with nature through the senses. An immersion in the panoramas of the Oasi Zegna to relax and regenerate in the greenery and silence of the mountain forests, connecting, through all our senses, with the surrounding nature. The aim is to improve one’s well-being through experiential practices such as conscious walking, hugging trees, breathing with the forest, listening to one’s body, contact games, trust and much more. A day to experience, in the company of CSEN certified instructor Fabio Castello, the beneficial experience of forest bathing to reduce stress, improve mood and lower blood pressure, thanks to direct contact with the forest environment. To find a total reconnection with nature from 7 to 9 June, an appointment not to be missed with the CRICIAMO DEL BOSCO FESTIVAL in which there will be a Forest Bathing appointment with Laboratorio Micelio.

The HATHA YOGA and YOGA NIDRA retreat is scheduled for May 17th to 19th: a 3-day experience in the company of expert teachers Daniela Bertinetti and Francesca Perazzone, designed for those who wish to deepen the practice of this ancient discipline and meditation. The teachers will lead sessions that vary from the most dynamic yoga to the most relaxing and meditative one, suitable for practitioners of all levels. The retreat also offers an opportunity to disconnect from the daily routine and reflect, promoting spiritual renewal.

Sunday 9 June a QI GONG appointment FOR CHILDREN together with the Shifu teacher Natalina Bassetto. An experience of guaranteed fun through games that imitate the attitudes and peculiarities of animals in the nature of the Zegna Oasis. The practice of Qi Gong, an ancient discipline of Chinese origin, works mainly on movements that imitate five animals: tiger, bear, deer, monkey and heron. The activity will take place in the meadows of Cascina Caruccia, a short distance from the Conca dei Rododendri. The QI GONG-LE OTTO GEMME appointment is scheduled for June 15th, again with the expert Natalina Bassetto from Fondo Edo Tempia. This is the second meeting of the 6 scheduled until October, to discover and put into practice the many benefits of this ancient practice known for its benefits in improving balance, coordination and general health. The workshop is ideal for those looking to reduce stress and increase vital energy.

Colors of nature, art and theatre

To enjoy a show within a show, on Saturday 25 May, at 3.30 pm, at Cascina Caruccia, a few steps from the Conca dei Rododendri, an engaging open-air theater show will be staged: “ANIMALI DI PIAZZA”, curated by the “Storie di Piazza” theater company. A representation suitable for everyone that invites the viewer to reflect on life in nature and in the city. Live offer show upon reservation.

Furthermore, on May 25th the new temporary exhibition “ATMOSPHERICA. Seasons and temperaments”. The exhibition, curated by Ilaria Bonacossa and which will be visible until November 17, focuses on Rebecca Moccia’s new artistic project. For some years the artist has been exploring the atmospheres and “temperatures” of places, investigating the space/time contexts in which human and non-human relationships develop and shining a spotlight on the mutual influences between emotions and places. The site-specific project developed for Casa Zegna focuses on atmospheric transformations and draws on the peculiarities of space to construct a reflection dedicated to the link between climatic and environmental changes and the temperaments of those who experience them. The title and subtitle of the exhibition describe the desire to investigate the ways in which human affectivity is formed in relation to the environment that surrounds us, and how the impact of unsustainable development, which alters its rhythms and balances, is reflected also on our perceptive and emotional sphere.

For those who love drawing and manual skills, a WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP is scheduled for Sunday 26 May with the expert Marcella Pralormo in the splendid setting of the Conca in full bloom. The workshops are suitable for everyone: beginners who get involved by discovering their creativity, intermediate and advanced levels who want a new, liberating approach and great personal well-being through color and water.

Alpine life, return to origins and traditions

On Sunday 26 May in Oasi Zegna the ancient tradition of transhumance between mountains and pastures will be celebrated by accompanying the herds of cattle along the climb to the pastures of Alta Valsessera. TRANSUMANDO is a unique experience that involves all the senses: the sounds of the Alpine locks and horns, the scent of the Alpine pastures, the beautiful views of the Oasi Zegna will stimulate and sharpen the senses, producing an overall sensation of well-being and harmony with the environment.

On June 9th the first appointment in Bielmonte, of the seven scheduled until September, with “DOMENICHE IN ALPEGGIO”. Engaging experiences during which time slows down and the frenzy of everyday life dissolves in the fresh air of the Alpine pastures. An opportunity to reconnect with nature and the deepest roots of rural life. Among the green meadows at high altitude, where cows and horses graze peacefully, you can breathe tranquility and feel the calm rhythm of mountain mountain life. Touching the animals first hand becomes a unique sensory experience that envelops every visitor. But Sundays in the mountain pastures are also a journey through time, a dive into ancient mountain crafts handed down from generation to generation. You will be able to witness the milking and the magical process of transforming milk into cheese, an ancient art that requires patience, skill, passion and dedication.

READ ALSO: The flowering of rhododendrons in Oasi Zegna, an unmissable spectacle


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