The master lesson of ‘Chacho’ Rodríguez in the Euroleague that demonstrates his addiction to winning

Real Madrid basketball is a team that is built from the ground up. Specifically, from its bases, as demonstrated by the ‘I do’ Campazzo and the ‘Chacho’ Rodriguez, whose performances were key to quelling Olympiacos’ awakening in the ‘final four’ semi-final. Specifically, the Tenerife native gave a display of mettle that demonstrates, as in the Madrid soccer team, that veterans are essential in major competitions.

Chus Mateo: “It’s wonderful to see ‘Chacho’ at this level”

“It is wonderful to see ‘Chacho’ at this level, with his little body, making all kinds of passes. He has never been a player with an extraordinary physique. He gives us classes in every game and it is a joy for me and all his teammates. I am delighted with him. We have taken good care of him and he feels very comfortable in this ‘final four’ environment.“, commented Chus Mateo after the great performance of the one from La Laguna.

Sergio Rodríguez spent 14 minutes on the court against Olympiacos in which he scored eight points, grabbed three rebounds, and distributed four assists for a total rating of 13. But ‘Chacho’ is much more than cold numbers, it is the expression of having accomplished everything in life, but without losing hunger. Winning is his fundamental mission, like that of Rudy Fernández and Sergio Llull. The three perform what will possibly be their last dance together, but they do so delighting the Madrid fans.

The Tenerife native understands his context and role so well that he allows himself the luxury of giving assists like the one that closed the duel against Olympiacos, from behind, for Dzanan Musa to close an honorary performance. Same with Vincent Poirier. Plays that basketball fans have seen ad nauseam, but that remain uncontrollable.

Sergio Rodriguez, Real Madrid point guard, in an offensive action against Olympiacos. / EFE

How winning can delay the retirement of ‘Chacho’ Rodríguez

Sergio Rodríguez is a type of player who dissolves doubts, a luxury he allows himself because he no longer has anything to lose. Not even Sunday’s final against Panathinaikos, where Real Madrid starts, like this entire season, as the absolute favorite. Even though on the other side there will be the ‘monster’ Ataman leading the Greek troop.

I have said it, the feeling of winning is unique and right now I can’t think of anything elseHonestly, other than preparing for the final, enjoying it, being good in defense, putting energy into the team and helping as much as I can,” explained a player in the Alba Berlin mixed zone who transmits chemistry to the rest of his teammates. A Around him he is capable of weaving a framework of trust that allows Real Madrid to overcome moments of disconnection, like the one they suffered in the third quarter.

It’s that addiction to winning that can change your mind. Or not, but at least sow doubts. Because ‘Chacho’ feels good and if he wakes up on Monday with his fourth Euroleague -the third at Real Madrid- It is difficult for his competitive spirit to allow him to hang up his shoes. like an announced and ordered ending.

Real Madrid’s favoritism over the other finalist: Panathinaikos

“I have always said it: I have a great time playing basketball and even more so in a place like this. I have had the opportunity, and I am very lucky, to be in many ‘final four’. I want to take advantage of it to prepare well for the final and help the team in whatever I can, because as we have seen today, it is a great team. If we are focused and focused, we have many possibilities“, reflected the one from La Laguna after a type of match where experience and control of emotions are the arguments that bring closest to victory.

“The good thing and the best thing we have is that they are not new situations for anyone. That is the important thing, that each one knows where they have to be, each one knows that at some point it can be important. Only one person leaves this weekend happy and we are going to prepare well for the final to be able to be us.“, declared a ‘Chacho’ to whom 38 years are becoming like eternal youth.

2024-05-25 11:18:19
#master #lesson #Chacho #Rodríguez #Euroleague #demonstrates #addiction #winning


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