The Lakers Begin Search for New Head Coach: Interviews Underway

The Lakers are already underway. After days in which they have been shaping a wide list of candidates for the bench that Darvin Ham has left free – they fired him –, now it is time to meet face to face with all of them to narrow down the name of who will be the new boss of the locker room.

According to reports ESPN, it will be in the next few days when the round of interviews begins. With the general manager of the organization, Rob Pelinka, at the head, the Angelenos will begin the process by meeting with those assistants and coaches who are most unknown to them, either because they have not spoken with them before or they simply know less about them.

In that first group of futures would be ESPN analyst JJ Redick, as well as Miami Heat assistant Chris Quinn and New Orleans Pelicans assistant James Borrego. These are just some of the various names they handle in the Californian leadership.

Once the work with the ‘unknowns’ is completed, Pelinka and company will meet with those applicants with whom they already have a certain history. Once this second phase is closed, the list of finalists will be formed from which the new one will end up emerging. head coach of the Lakers.

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Regarding the technical profile they are looking for, Pelinka would have dropped the term in several conversations grinder as an important characteristic for the next coach. Yes, it seems they are looking for a competitive and fighting gene above all else.

(Photo by Jayne Kamin-Oncea/Getty Images)

2024-05-14 08:00:00
#Lakers #casting #begins #find #coach


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