The Italian A2 Beginners B Judo Championship Descends on Olbia: 500 Athletes Compete for Titles

The Italian A2 Beginners B Judo Championship arrives in Olbia. On Saturday and Sunday at the GeoPalace 500 athletes from all over Italy will compete on the tatami of the Gallura building to win the titles in the different categories.

After 22 years, the event finds Olbia again thanks to the commitment of the Olbia Sports Center, in collaboration with Fijlkam and with the support of the regional departments of Tourism, Commerce and Crafts and Sports, Culture and Public Education and the Municipality of Olbia. At a national level, the event, which involves 255 clubs, is of great importance for young athletes, as it contributes to determining the national ranking of the most talented rookies in Italy and offers the opportunity to qualify for the national A1 category championships .

“In a record year for the Italian movement, which saw the triumph of several judokas at European and world level, with the latest great performance by Odette Giuffrida, who recently won gold at the Judo World Championships in Abu Dhabi, and for the Olbia Sports Center, which achieved historic results with its athletes Raimondo Degortes and Federico Deiana, winners in their respective categories of the veterans world title in recent months in Abu Dhabi, I am particularly happy with this extraordinary participation”, says the satisfied maestro Efisio Mele, 5th Dan, founder and guide of the Olbia Sports Center. “This is an absolute record for our land, since during the pandemic period – he then underlines – the number of athletes in Italy practically halved”.

The competitions will begin on Saturday at 9.30am with the men’s competitions, on Sunday (9am) with the women’s competitions: free entry to the GeoPalace for the public.

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2024-05-23 17:34:46
#Judo #Italian #Beginners #Championship #finds #Olbia #competitions #GeoPalace


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