«The investment to build the Racing sports city will be 8 million euros»

The president assures that the negotiation for the land for the new facility with the City Council is only pending the last details

09 may 2024 . Updated at 11:19 p.m.

The president of Racing, Manuel Ansede, who gave a conference at the Jorge Juan Chair, assured that he hopes that the Ferrol City Council will make the land available to Racing to build the Racing sports city in the coming days. He also indicated that the entity has calculated an investment of more than eight million euros for its construction. He reported that they are confident that by July 2025 the five playing fields planned for training will be available and added that in a second phase the construction of the buildings for the locker rooms, club headquarters, etc. would be addressed.

«Only the last fringes remain to be closed. Racing can only be grateful for everything the Council does for the club, although we understand that the administration has its operating mechanisms and deadlines. If they give us the land or give us the surface right or with an administrative concession, we will get started. It is the Council itself that sets the times, although I hope that the agreement will be a reality before the end of the month,” he said.

Filed in: Racing de Ferrol Ferrol city

2024-05-09 21:19:01
#investment #build #Racing #sports #city #million #euros


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