The Immortalization of Roland Garros: A Tribute to a National Hero at the French Open

Despite being held for the first time in 1891, the French Open you would just receive your current name in 1928in mode tribute to a national herowhich would be immortalized in the prestigious tournament.

The first 37 editions of the competition would be held in different locations until the essential construction of a stadium with greater capacityafter the feat of the “Four Musketeers“, made up of Jean Borotra, Jacques Brugnon, Henri Cochet and René Lacosta, in 1927when they would defeat USA as a visitor to raise the Davis cupa competition they would have to defend at home the following year.


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Consequently, the president of the Stade Francais club, Emile Lesieurwould give up three hectares to allow the work to be carried out west of Paris, although with the condition that the track would bear the name of his late friend. Eugène Adrien Roland Georges Garros, aviation pilot French and died in 1918, five weeks before the completion of the First World War.

Born in Saint-Denis, a tropical island off Réunion, in October 1888, Garros would become a true pioneer in the matter by breaking the height record in 1911reaching 3,950 meters, and becoming 1913 in it first man to fly across the Mediterranean Sea non-stopan experience in which he would travel 756 kilometers in eight hours, prior to landing practically without fuel in Tunisia.

However, the tennis fan would show his commitment and love for the country at the beginning of the war, a time in which he would entrust his services to the allies to contribute to important triumphs until 1915being knocked down by a german attackwho would be imprisoned for three years in a Magdeburg prison until he managed to escape camouflaged in 1918.

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History would repeat itself a few months later, although without the same fortune.because he would suffer another German offensive, this time in The Ardennes, in October, losing his life to become a national legend.

In this way, the French would defy logic by building a cement field to 10,000 spectators in less than a year, giving tribute to Roland Garros by giving him the designation not only of the estadio but of the tournament.

2024-05-24 20:00:00
#French #Open #called #Roland #Garros


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