The Geissens Compete in Paddle Tennis: A Stress Relief Adventure

For 21 seasons, Carmen and Robert Geiss have been delighting their fans on RTLZWEI with the format “The Geissens – A Terribly Glamorous Family”. The 22nd season is currently running and the entrepreneurial couple had problems on the construction site in Saint-Tropez in the last episode (May 6th). Now this episode is about relieving all the stress. And what better way to do that than with sport.

“The Geissens” compete in paddle tennis: Robert Geiss needs support

Robert Geiss married his wife Carmen 30 years ago. The two met and fell in love while playing squash. For years, sport was a shared hobby between the two. They revealed this on their show. But now it’s time for a new sport.

At the beginning of the new episode (airing on May 13th), “The Geissens” play a game of paddle tennis to relieve the stress of the past week. But when things don’t go as planned for Robert Geiss, he gets professional support. He calls tennis professional Alexander Zverev. But then Carmen Geiss suddenly intervenes with an announcement.

Bitter defeat against Carmen Geiss: Tennis professional Alexander Zverev should now help

Paddle tennis is similar to regular tennis. The only difference is the clubs, which are significantly smaller here. In addition, the game is played on a smaller field. And it is precisely in this sport that “The Geissens” compete in Dubai. But for Robert Geiss the match is anything but good.

His wife pulls off the 60-year-old and wins the duel. Of course, the entrepreneur doesn’t want to let that happen. That’s why he gets prominent support from Alexander Zverev. Robert Geiss knows the tennis professional from his regulars’ table in Monaco, he explains before calling him.

“It’s no use anymore”: The tennis professional shoots against Robert Geiss

With the words “He has to support me now,” the 60-year-old picks up his cell phone. A short time later, Zverev and the entrepreneur are in the middle of a video call. Robert Geiss explains: “I lost.” From the background you can hear Carmen Geiss shouting: “Against me!” She jumps around excitedly.

But the tennis star on the other end of the line doesn’t seem to take the father of two’s concerns seriously. “Robert, you don’t need lessons,” he explains with a grin. Then he adds: “Now you have to stop.” Both men then laugh in amusement. To support his opinion, Zverev adds: “It’s no longer of any use.” Carmen Geiss apparently senses her chance and makes a very clear statement to the current third place in the world rankings.

Carmen Geiss makes a clear statement to professional tennis player Alexander Zverev: What’s this all about? © imago/Eventpress Carmen Geiss makes a clear statement to professional tennis player Alexander Zverev: What’s this all about?

by imago/Eventpress


Tennis duel between Alexander Zverev and Carmen Geiss: “I challenge you”

Carmen Geiss happily announces over her husband’s shoulder: “I challenge you!” After the victory against her husband Robert, the 59-year-old seems to have tasted blood. But just a few moments later, reality caught up with her again. Because she complements her declaration of war with an important detail.

“But paddle tennis,” she quickly adds. But that is apparently too late. Alexander Zverev reacts with a different suggestion: “You have to choose another sport now.” With that he ends the phone call. And who knows, maybe viewers will soon see the big duel between the two.

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“We bought in”: The Geiss empire is expanding to include pizza delivery services

Until then, “The Geissens” have to continue to take care of their various businesses. In addition to clothes, real estate and cars, the Geissens have recently branched out into another area. On the way to her shop “Capo’s Pizza”, the 57-year-old explains: “We bought into a pizza delivery service.”

You can see more of it on May 13th at 8:15 p.m. on RTLZWEI. Because as usual there is a new episode “The Geissens – A terribly glamorous family”.


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2024-05-10 12:22:00
#anymore #Alexander #Zverev #disappointed #Robert #Geiss


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