The Future of the Los Angeles Lakers: JJ Reddick Emerging as Potential Candidate

The elimination (4-1) of the Los Angeles Lakers at the hands of the current NBA champions, the Denver Nuggets, caused a cataclysm in the gold and purple franchise. His project faltered. “I still don’t know what I’ll do. I just want to spend time with my family. They will advise me, along with my representations. Until then, love,” said LeBron James, his leader. His coach, Dervin Ham, was soon struck down. The Los Angeles team was thus left beheaded. What will become of his future? The rumor machine is activated and there is a name that is gaining strength, that of JJ Reddick.

Jonathan Clay ‘JJ’ Reddick has been and is almost everything in the NBA. An elite shooter, being part of several of the best teams in the world. When he retires, an analyst to match. On ESPN and on a podcast that ended up being bought by… LeBron himself. It’s called Mind The Game and they analyze basketball in detail. What if it’s something else?

I miss shooting the ball and making plays. I really miss that: the action, the games, leading and a team

JJ Reddick

Because Reddick enters the Lakers’ pools along with Tyronn Lue, according to ESPN. The possibility of the former shooting guard could be real. His opportunity to apply a game that he knows and breaks down inside out. “There’s a part of me that misses playing. I miss shooting the ball and making plays. I miss that, really: the action, the games, leading and a team. Being there, in the locker room. An emotion that goes beyond passing or dribbling,” he said to justify his interest in the benches.

I don’t know how I am emotionally

LeBron James

He also confessed to LeBron what punished the Lakers against Denver. “I told you. They were better. It’s not an excuse for the Lakers. I knew it yesterday and four months ago. I’m honest,” he said. LeBron himself showed his disagreement with the elimination. “I don’t know how I am emotionally. Losing against the champions in the first division is complicated. We had opportunities, but we fell with winning baskets. What happened in the second game… You think about it and it’s a play here or there. But against teams like this there is no room for error. Playoff games are decided by two, three or four possessions,” said the ‘King’.

But, of course, if they want to cross paths, one must stay and the other take the leap. The Lakers are always the parsley of all the sauces on the market and are still one step ahead of the others. While others fight for the title, the gold and purple rumor machine is already in action. They are still painful differences.

2024-05-14 08:31:22
#historic #shooter #podcast #LeBron #candidate #Lakers #bench


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