The Fraport Skyliners Face Uphill Battle After Tough Loss in Play-Off Semifinals

The Fraport Skyliners have their backs to the wall after the third game of the play-off semi-final series in the Pro-A division of the second basketball Bundesliga. In Trier, the Frankfurt team clearly lost 68:89 and are now 1:2 behind in the best-of-five series. Coach Denis Wucherer’s team lost touch in the first quarter of the game and was unable to regain it. The best Frankfurt thrower was Ife Ajayi with 19 points. As in the second duel, the Skyliners had to do without David Muenkat, who was accused of assaulting a Trier fan after the first game of the series. The league arbitration court rejected Frankfurt’s appeal. The Skyliners said there was no justification for the decision shortly before the game. Back on board was Captain Lorenz Brenneke, who was playing with a mask after breaking his cheekbone and eye socket. “We define ourselves by defense, and when an opponent scores 89 points, we know it will be difficult for us,” said Brenneke. In order to force a decisive fifth game and maintain the chance of promotion again, the Skyliners have to win on Friday (7.30 p.m.) in the local ball sports hall.

2024-05-22 22:08:00
#Skyliners #lose #touch


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