The Departure of Jürgen Klopp: Reflecting on Coaching at Liverpool FC and FC Bayern

A world-class coach is leaving Liverpool FC: Jürgen Klopp

Liverpool and him – that, said Jürgen Klopp when he left after almost nine years, was the greatest win-win situation he had ever experienced. It’s hard to argue with that. It was also lucky for everyone who loves football, an almost unique constellation in this form, a “perfect match”.

But perhaps we should broaden our perspective a bit given the circumstances: to other win-win situations that have arisen this year or over the past few years, through special coaching achievements, through special relationships, be it over a short distance (Leverkusen) or the long one (Manchester City, Freiburg).

And then you can look at this and the past years from the perspective of FC Bayern.

That’s a completely different story. One in which you almost have to look for a real win-win situation with binoculars. And even Hansi Flick’s special success story was more of an exception to the rule in Munich. Thomas Tuchel, Julian Nagelsmann, Carlo Ancelotti, Pep Guardiola – the names of those FC Bayern managed to lure to them couldn’t be bigger. But what remains is the stale feeling that none of them became as big as they might have been in this club.

Scratches on the gold doorbell plate

The cases may all be a little different, but what FC Bayern should be asking themselves in view of this season without a trophy or any other title: what does this have to do with themselves? In any case, the series of recent cancellations can certainly be explained by the fact that this history has left more than just a few scratches on the golden doorbell on Säbener Strasse.

Yes, I mean, FC Bayern is a players’ club and not a coaches’ club, and as long as it stays that way, that won’t change, is an objection that has been raised more often than not. On the one hand, that’s not entirely wrong, but on the other hand, there are reasons why FC Bayern should continue to be a players’ club. It’s just that he urgently needs to get better at strengthening and protecting his most important man. And that’s the coach.

As far as this is concerned, the Munich bigheads have recently made themselves rather slender, as employees Tuchel and Nagelsmann in particular found out. The self-perpetuating coaching debate has long since become an unpleasant and sometimes unworthy folklore in German football communication.

Tuchel expressed this in his own way a few weeks ago when he described a reporter’s question about criticism of him as “hypocritical” – with good reasons. One can be sure that nothing will change in the media mechanism. From the club’s point of view, it would be all the more important to show sovereignty, which would mean having an inner conviction to keep the streams of opinion, not least those of the tabloids, away from oneself, instead of following them restlessly or even actively participating in them .

Bayern want to be a world club with heart, which somehow makes them likeable. From the perspective of a world-class coaching candidate, perhaps at some point named Klopp, under these conditions it would not be surprising if reason said: no.

2024-05-20 17:28:33
#Bayern #Munich #football #club #coach #Jürgen #Klopp


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