The crude personal reason why Verstappen did not want Fernando Alonso in Red Bull

Red Bull’s decision not to sign Fernando Alonso can be understood through various statements by Helmut Marko, the team’s advisor. These statements provide a clear view of the reasons behind the decision, which go beyond the capabilities of the driver and focus on the team dynamics and personalities involved. For those reasons, Alonso stayed at Aston Martin.

Firstly, Marko highlights the importance of maintaining a harmonious work environment for Max Verstappen, Red Bull’s star driver. According to Marko, “a harmonious work environment is very important to Max and I think that probably would not have been the case with Alonso.” This statement suggests that Alonso’s presence could have disrupted the team’s internal cohesion. Alonso is known for his strong and competitive nature, which could have created tensions within the team and affected overall performance. Harmony in an F1 team is crucial, as interpersonal relationships can significantly influence drivers’ motivation and performance.

Furthermore, Marko points out the generational differences between Alonso and Verstappen: “Alonso would be the oldest world champion on the team, Max the youngest, and they are generations apart.” This generation gap could have resulted in differences in expectations, approaches and working methods.

Alonso, being a veteran driver, has vast experience and an established way of doing things, while the younger and more adaptable Verstappen may have a different approach. These differences could have hindered cooperation and synergy between the two drivers, negatively affecting the team.

Marko also mentions that Alonso and Verstappen have very different personalities: “I don’t think Alonso does sim racing or gets into a simulator on a plane right after a Grand Prix.” This comment reflects how Alonso and Verstappen approach their preparation and passion for the sport differently.

These differences in lifestyle and preparation could have caused friction and difficulties in daily collaboration.

The extreme competitiveness of both drivers is also a crucial factor. Marko points out that “when it comes to who is faster, neither of them are very modest.” The lack of modesty and constant desire to prove to be the best could have created an intense and damaging rivalry within the team. Instead of working together towards a common goal, Alonso and Verstappen could have competed against each other, which is not ideal for team cohesion and success.

Finally, Marko reveals that in the early years of Red Bull Racing there were talks with Alonso, but they did not materialize because Alonso did not believe in the team’s potential to compete for world titles: “I don’t think he thought we were capable of making cars that could compete to win world championships,” he assured.

2024-05-22 21:23:24
#crude #personal #reason #Verstappen #Fernando #Alonso #Red #Bull


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