The chairman of PSSI confirmed that the Indonesian U-17 women’s national team was temporarily disbanded

General Chair of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) Erick Thohir confirmed that the Indonesian U-17 women’s national team was temporarily disbanded to focus on the senior national team.

“After this it was disbanded because it focused on the senior team first. But from here there may be some players who will go straight to the senior team,” said Erick Thohir to reporters in Gianyar, Bali, Sunday.

Erick emphasized that in the future he does not want to be trapped by the fact that players in the senior team are required to be over 17 years old and will give opportunities to young players.

“I don’t want to be trapped by the senior team, you have to be 17 years or older, or not, that’s a film. Those who are 17 and under can also play for the national team,” said the former President of Inter Milan.

Erick said he was very open and often communicated with the Indonesian national team coach, Satoru Mochizuki. According to Erick, the plan is to build a women’s national team so that in the next 10-15 years it can reach the World Cup and Olympics.

“From the start I was open with Coach Mochi, his nickname, that this was the situation and he wanted to work together. From the start when we interviewed him, he had a 10 year plan at that time. What I said was okay, these 3 years are what we focus on first ( building a team),” said Erick.

Erick emphasized that it was in accordance with road map transformation of national football, women’s football will be one of the focuses that will be accelerated with the target of reaching the Women’s World Cup.

“Within the scope of national football, we cannot regulate women’s football. So far we have not had one training center long-term. “We will build it in stages, starting from the national level, then going down to the provincial level and even more micro level to attract talent for Indonesian women’s football,” said Erick.

Reporter: Fajar Satriyo

Editor: Abdullah Rifai

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News East Java 2024

2024-05-12 13:55:56
#chairman #PSSI #confirmed #Indonesian #U17 #womens #national #team #temporarily #disbanded


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