The 9 mistakes you should not make on a first date

Avoid screwing up on the first date.

Las first impressions are important And, although the opinion that we have or that is made of us at first can change, making it positive from the beginning is essential for a first date to lead to a second.

This first meeting is decisive to know whether it will be possible to establish a sentimental bond with the person in front of us or It’s better that everyone goes their own way.that is why there are some mistakes that are better to avoid and for that you have to know them.

Common mistakes on a first date

Las first dates They are not easy and although we tend to think that the most complicated thing has already been done, which is achieving it, the truth is that it is not always easy. leave your nerves aside and show our best versionwhich we usually are with the people we feel comfortable with.

have some guidelines that can become our guide It will always be a help, especially in the case of those things that we usually do wrong and that are better to avoid, at least if we hope that the date is a success. These are the 9 most common mistakes and what is better not to commit:

To be late. We can extrapolate some of the mistakes that we can point out on a first date to life in general because being late is almost never a good idea, but it is even less so when we want to make a good impression. Get ready and arrive early to avoid having to run to get there, which could make you sweat and become more nervous. Always talk about yourself. On a first date we are getting to know each other, but we are also getting to know the other person, it is important that the conversation flows and we can both get to know each other. It is important to know each other, but it is a matter of two, you gain nothing if only you speak.ask too much. This can be a complicated topic because the key is not to ask too much, but not too little either. Showing interest in what they are telling us is important and asking some related questions may be the best way, but you should not go overboard and make it seem like a job interview in which the other person feels interrogated. look at the mobile. It has become almost a necessity, a nervous tic and we can barely spend a moment without looking at the phone, however, when you are on a first date it is not advisable to do so. It’s a moment of your life, a few hours, is it really essential to check if Instagram has updated? If we are attentive to our cell phone, we give a feeling of disinterest in the other person, whom we are trying to get to know. Talk bad about your ex-partners. In general, talking about past relationships is not very well regarded on a first date (there will be time), but if all you say is also speaking badly about ex-partners, it will be even worse, because it seems that you have not yet been able to to turn the page and continue thinking about that person. Additionally, he shows a certain level of resentment. complain excessively. We all have good moments and bad moments, but if on a first date all you show is negativity and criticism, you will be giving the impression that that is the only thing you have to offer. Using terms of endearment ahead of time. This is a first date, a first contact with the other person, so it is not a good idea to treat them like your partner. Using terms of endearment too soon can make the other person feel uncomfortable. It’s also not a good idea to be complimenting him all the time, because it can be received as an attempt to make things go too fast or even as a lie. Drinking a lot. This is not the time to overdo it with drinks, a first is to get to know the other person and that is why excesses are not advisable. This does not mean that you cannot drink a little or share a bottle of wine, but always in moderation, because nerves can play tricks on you. Having expectations too high. It is clear that if we are on a first date with someone it is because there is an interest, however, it is not advisable to arrive with the expectation that they will be the person with whom we will spend the rest of our lives, because it can be too much pressure. The best thing is to focus on getting to know each other and decide if a second date will result from that date, which will also help you be less nervous.

In general, The best thing is to be yourself and be sincereavoiding sharing too intimate and personal details, trying to get to know the other person, without monopolizing the conversation and without it seeming like an interrogation.


2024-05-25 06:00:33
#mistakes #date


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