Terracina-Rieti, Super Cup: two different faces of the same region

The last act of the 2023-24 season of the Lazio Eccellenza had as its stage the “Castelli” stadium in Tor Sapienza (eastern quadrant of Rome), where Terracina and Rieti took the field for the category Super Cup, the two winning teams, respectively, of group B and group A.

There are various reasons of interest related to this match: the presence of two sets of fans, the novelty of the match (the Tyrrhenians and the Sabines had never faced each other before), but also the geographical element, given that the two cities, among the most important in the region, each represent Lazio coastal, the other the Apennine one. Different contexts, parallel stories: for centuries, until the Risorgimento, both were the southern frontiers of the Papal State, marking the border between the dominions of the Church and the Kingdom of Naples.

As we said, the people of Terracino and Rieti showed up for this match fresh from promotion to D. A platonic title is up for grabs at Tor Sapienza, but the two sets of fans certainly didn’t miss the opportunity to meet on the steps before the match. long summer break.

Concrete and linear cheering accompanied the game’s actions from both sectors. Excellent, as always, the support of the ultras from the Sea Curve, who continuously colored the steps with their flags, constantly moving in the lower part, and cheered throughout the match, mainly choosing long chants, well-paced by the drum. Last match, time to take stock: “It was wonderful” it is the banner with which they greeted an unforgettable season, which gave them their first regional cup, Serie D and the possibility of returning to travel outside the region after several years.

On the opposite side of the only grandstand of the “Castelli” also the boys of Ultra Rieti Command they honored their last commitment of the season in a largely positive way. Many young faces among them ultras amarantocelesti, who showed themselves united throughout the match, clapped a lot and sang following the rhythm of the drum. A banner and two streamers accompanied their choirs. The stubbornness with which they supported their team was rewarded by Rieti’s victory on penalties, which brought the trophy to the feet of Terminillo.

Indifference between the two sets of fans, who cheered exclusively for their own colours.

Text and photos by Andrea Calabrese

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2024-05-24 09:09:28
#TerracinaRieti #Super #Cup #faces #region


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