Teenager brutally murdered with machetes by 12-year-old boys in Wolverhampton sports ground

Shawn Seesahai, a 19-year-old young man in Wolverhampton, England, was walking with his friends at the sports ground in November last year when he was suddenly deliberately tapped on the shoulder by a 12-year-old boy. Unexpectedly, the boy and his peers took out machetes and hacked him to death.

The court held a hearing recently. According to the data, Sisahai’s skull was chopped open, his legs were chopped off, and his back, ribs and heart were injured. According to the British “Daily Mail” report, the incident occurred on November 13, 2023.

After Sisahai and his friends were walking near the basketball court that day, two boys were walking behind them. There was no conversation or contact between the two parties. Suddenly the boy went to pat Sisahai on the shoulder. Sisahai was patted inexplicably. He turned around and choked, but saw the other person taking out a knife. He shouted to his friend, “Run away!” As a result, his friend escaped, but he himself was hacked to death by two boys.

Two girls who witnessed the process said that one of the boys usually went out with a machete. At that time, they saw two boys swinging the knife at Sisahai’s feet and punching him on the head. Kick.

The prosecutor said that Sisahai was attacked without doing anything to the two boys at that time, and he had no weapons and no way to resist. The two boys obviously wanted to kill Sisahai on purpose, or at least They wanted to cause extremely serious harm to him. “Due to their actions, Sisahai died on the spot. His skull was hit so hard with a machete that even a piece of bone fell off.” The verdict has not yet been announced in the case.

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2024-05-03 04:56:23
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