Sunday May 26: A Rollercoaster Day for La Rochelle and Sénart

Sunday May 26: A Rollercoaster Day for La Rochelle and Sénart

The day of Sunday May 26 got off to a bad start for the Rochelais, whose pitchers initially did not find the right rhythm (3-6, 3rd round). Maxence Esteban and Jefferson Escorcha followed one another on the…

The day of Sunday May 26 got off to a bad start for the Rochelais, whose pitchers initially did not find the right rhythm (3-6, 3rd round). Maxence Esteban and Jefferson Escorcha took turns on the mound, followed by young Louis Perrois.

The resident of Pôle France de Toulouse had a good start, but Sénart folded the match in the 8th inning thanks to the ultimate shot, the much sought-after grand slam – a home run with full bases – which brought four points into the pocket of the Templars with a single swing of the stick, with the four players returning to home plate in complete tranquility. It is then impossible for the Maritimes to recover from this hammer blow. They therefore lost after more than three hours of match (5-11).

La Rochelle in the spotlight

The start of the second meeting was tight. The Boucaniers took the score in the second round (2-0), but Sénart reacted and even managed to get back in front at the end of the 6th round (2-3). The revolt of Pablo Ossandon’s men did not take long. We then witnessed a real festival of powerful strikes and crazy races to score nine points in a single round, thanks in particular to high-level performances from Esteban Briones, Maxence Esteban, some flashes from Franklin de La Rosa, or the interesting contribution from Raphaël Surjus, also a resident of Pôle France.

La Rochelle therefore brilliantly gave back to the Templars (11-4). At mid-championship, Toulouse takes the lead with a nice record (9v-3d), while the Boucaniers, with positive statistics (7v, 5d), are for the moment in a position to qualify for the playoffs (2nd ex tied with the Lions of Savigny-sur-Orge). Montigny-le-Bretonneux seems to be the team in most difficulty with only one victory on the clock. Two trips are now on the program, June 9 to Sénart, then June 23 to Montpellier, before the reception in Savigny over two days, June 29 and 30.

2024-05-26 23:51:58
#match #Rochelle #Sénart


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