Successful Third Judo Challenge Brings Together Judokas of All Ages

The third judo challenge, launched by Francis Ubeda, creator of the Fourquevaux club, has just taken place with a significant participation.

286 judokas from the Baby category (4 years old) and up to cadets, played all day on the tatami mats.

Twelve clubs from the area were represented, including Pont des Demoiselles where his son François Ubeda still teaches.

The competition was therefore managed by Antoine Evenisse accompanied by Dorine, his partner and François.

The village experienced a real small revolution, with traffic becoming difficult when welcoming some 1,500 visitors estimated by the organizers.

Olivier Capelle, mayor, was present and worked all day to ensure that this competition was a success and that his town was known in Lauragais and beyond.

Medals, cups and meal vouchers offered by the Boîte aux Galettes d’Auzielle where Antoine is involved who takes the title of “crêper master” while waiting for the time to pass on his judoka knowledge to his club members.

The competition took place in a good atmosphere of camaraderie, four official referees and volunteers were present throughout the day and numerous volunteers to ensure all the positions which are necessary for this type of event, the club of Quint- Fonsegrives won the challenge with a significant participation of 51 fighters.

2024-05-17 04:51:16
#judokas #present #3rd #judo #challenge


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