Successful General Assembly: Reviewing the Achievements of Dojo Lourdais

This Friday, April 26 at 7 p.m., at the La Coustète premises, the Dojo Lourdais, chaired by Stéphanie ARTIGAS, held its General Assembly, in the presence of the delegated municipal councilors Jeannine BORDE and Cynthia TONOUKOUIN, the Secretary of the Departmental Judo Committee 65 Patrice DUFOURG , members of the Bureau and members.

After the usual thanks by the President, she specified that for the 2022/2023 Season, the Dojo Lourdais had 149 members. Then she read the Moral Review (see below*), giving the floor to Marion DUPONT for the Sports Review (a review with excellent results in a number of categories) and to Jacques DUPONT for the Financial Review (finances in the green despite significant transport costs because the competitions are more and more distant and numerous). All the reports were voted on unanimously.

The general assembly ended with a raffle as a thank you for the work carried out by the parents and volunteers of the club throughout the year before concluding with the traditional friendship drink.


*Moral and activity report presented by the President of Dojo Lourdais Stephanie Artigas :

“Good evening everyone,
First of all, I would like to thank all the parents and licensees for their presence this evening at this meeting.
Thank you to the Municipality for the help it gives us throughout the year through the annual subsidy; the maintenance of aging installations of course, the loan of equipment for each occasion and the provision of this judo room and the Robert Hossein room for our tournament completely free of costs for the club.
And I would like to thank Mr. DILMI and his team for his presence at all the events we organized.
Thanks also to the press who do not fail to publish our articles at every opportunity.

The general assembly will allow us to take stock of the 2022/2023 season but also to talk about our start to the 2023/2024 season.
The number of members for the 2022/2023 season was 149 members, knowing that the club has 4 sections:

-a leisure and competition judo section where judo is practiced every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday
-a disabled sports section every Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. with 2 groups from ADAPEI, one from the Las Neous home and the other from Oursbelille.
-and another discipline, Taïso, practiced at the Club for 8 years now, classes take place every Tuesday evening from 7:45 p.m. to 9 p.m. it is physical preparation in order to be able to find a muscular base in order to be able to come and do judo why not afterwards.
In this regard, it is open to the general public and do not hesitate to come and try. There will be an initiation session like every year which will be communicated on the Club’s Facebook.
-another with yoga, a section which is doing very well and operates independently with Ms. SILVER, a qualified teacher from the French yoga institute, this section had 20 members, the classes taking place every Monday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

What happened this season? you will see it with Marion Dupont’s report on the results.

The Club regularly participates in exchanges with other clubs and the Departmental Committee as part of training, which allows our judokas to diversify their training with other judokas and above all to maintain conviviality and friendship with these structures.

We systematically organize a course every holiday open to all licensees, which allows our youngest judokas to practice with the older ones and the older ones to get involved in supervising the youngest.

The Club also travels quite a bit with the group of competitors who are elsewhere and as you will see, a significant part of the budget, particularly with increasingly distant trips to the new large Region.
But the purpose of sport is not competition, which is why the Club participates as much as possible in official meetings proposed by the Departmental Committee, the League or the Federation, but also participates in friendly, regional and even national tournaments. . All this of course with rigorous control of travel costs. The club has always favored a competitive spirit and will continue in this direction for this season and those to come.

I also have to say a word about the training of the people who supervise our judokas.
Every year the League offers training and diploma renewals for volunteer teachers, training fully supported financially by the Club. Katia DUPONT is in the middle of reviewing her exam to pass her CQP in June. Marion DUPONT begins yoga training in September.

And I would like to thank all these people who are on the table but also the management team who are at my side this evening and those who are not at this table, in particular you parents who were always there when we asked you to the actions organized by the club and for which you take your time, please be thanked here.

We organized our traditional tournament on January 20 this year which went very well with another 400 judokas on the Heavy tatamis. A big thank you to all parents, judokas and competitors and club managers who allowed this to take place in the best conditions. See you next year at the same time.

Let’s talk a little about the start of the 2023/2024 season:
We currently have 134 members. We are losing members this year due to several factors:
-the Sports Festival did not take place due to the weather… this allowed young children to be able to test the practice and decide quickly
-the Rugby World Cup stole the show (I’m joking of course) but we hope that the Olympics and the medals will provide the necessary publicity for our discreet sport.
-and various economic reasons that we are going to face with new partnerships with Simaje and therefore quite a few interventions in schools with our teacher Marion Dupont.

Finally, I would like to tell parents that the door to the Dojo is open; it is true that we can seem inaccessible because we are on the mat and the rules of judo are sometimes a little frightening with their rigidity and during competitions we are often closer to the children than to the parents but we must not hesitate to make ourselves sign or call us we will be at your service without any problem.
Thank you for your attention. »

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2024-05-16 10:18:15
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