Successful 25th Edition of Ascension Thursday Clearance Sale Supports Black Panthers Baseball and Softball Club

Good attendance at the 25th edition of the Ascension Thursday clearance sale, organized by the Black Panthers baseball and softball club.

Nearly 300 sellers have settled in the town center.

The club mobilizes nearly forty volunteers so that this event can take place. “The revenue is used to finance the travel of the club teams, which are numerous, both for the youth teams and for the senior 1 team which plays in the 2nd national division,” specifies Erwan Godet, co-president of the Black Panthers.

The senior 1 team hosts a whole series of home matches from May 18 after traveling for the first five days of the championship. “See you against Rouen on Sunday May 18. We invite the public to come and encourage the Black Panthers who are today 3rd in the national ranking 2 in the northern pool. »

2024-05-13 17:58:45
#BréalsousMontfort #Crowds #sunshine #Black #Panthers #clearance #sale


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