State Police Carry Out Anti-Drug Raid at Lavinio Station: 4 Arrested and Significant Seizure Made

Test of strength by the State Police who, on the orders of the Rome Police Headquarters, carried out an anti-drug raid last night in the drug dealing square of Lavinio Station, which has long been at the center of the news. Men from the police station Anzio, from the Mobile Department, the Crime Prevention Department, the railway police and the Dog Unit, fifty officers in all, searched the station area from 9pm to midnight. A very delicate operation which led to the seizure of 200 grams of hashish : the drugs were hidden both in the bushes along the railway and even in the recess of the box of the vending machines that sell drinks. In this case it was one of the dogs of the canine unit that discovered the drug that was hidden there. During the operation, four citizens of Maghreb origin were arrested: two ended up in handcuffs on charges of possession and dealing of drugs, the other two for resisting and insulting a public official. In the operation, forty cars were checked and ninety people identified; of these twenty were foreigners, eighteen of whom had criminal records. The police also carried out checks on commercial activities in the station area: in two cases the owners were fined because they did not comply with the administrative authorizations which they will have to present in the next few hours at the offices of the Commissariat in Anzio.

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2024-05-11 14:41:44
#Blitz #Lavinio #station #drug #dealing #square #drugs #seized #people #arrested


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