Stade Français wins against Bordeaux-Bègles in Top 14

Until the end, UBB, trailing by only four points, fought to win, constantly launching an attack in the last ten minutes. But the best defense in the Top 14 kept watch. The Girondins will be able to console themselves with a deserved defensive bonus – even if they were better in attack -, an irony that the Parisians will not notice, having scored three tries, one more than an opponent who was a little too imprecise in his last passes.

This early final phase meeting, at the top of the rankings, between two teams aiming for direct qualification for the semi-finals, kept its promises. In five minutes between the 10th and 15th minute, center Ben Tapuai scored the inaugural try after a magnificent offensive before veteran scrum half (37 years old) Rory Kockott escaped flush with a ruck like a zebulon for the Parisian response.

Ten minutes later, after some tactical breathing time, both teams went on the attack again. After Joris Segonds’ attempt, collectively constructed (25th), Bordeaux pillar Romain Latterrade concluded strongly with a ball carried full of energy, close to the Parisian goal (39th).

An intense second act

At the break, UBB went ahead by a short header (14-15) and almost widened the gap but Louis Bielle-Biarrey’s feat at the end of a counter-attack initiated by Matthieu Jalibert was refused for a forward (41st). And it was Stade Français, through its attacking leader Jeremy Ward (55th), who found the fault for the third time.

Before the hour mark, Stade Français led, 22-15, and the Bordelais then threw themselves into the attack without restraint. In the 71st, the try was refused. They then harvested a great action in the 73rd. Same two minutes later. Enough to feed them with regrets.

The Parisians are getting closer to the semi-finals

Match won at the end of the 24th day, which allows Stade Français to qualify for the final phase. It remains to be seen whether it will be directly in the semi-finals or not. The same goes for Stade Toulousain, which indirectly benefits from this Bordeaux defeat to also validate its ticket.


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