Spanish Mixed Recurve Archery Team Wins Bronze at World Cup Yecheon.xmlbeans

The Spanish mixed recurve archery team, formed by Elia Canales and the Aragonese Andrés Temiño, won the bronze medal this Sunday at the World Cup in Yecheon (South Korea). The Spanish team began the competition by beating the Slovenian team (3-5) and then got rid of China (4-5) and India (6-2) before losing to Mexico (5-4). In the duel for bronze they won 3-5 against the French team formed by Lisa Barbelin and Baptiste Addis.

At 20 years old, the Aragonese already knows what it is win the European Championship in the junior category and continues to establish itself as one of the strongest values ​​of Spanish archery, steps that could lead it to the Paris Olympic Games.

2024-05-26 16:09:01
#Andrés #Temiño #achieves #bronze #medal #World #Cup #Korea #sport


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