Spanish Archery Federation Eyes Olympic Success in Paris

Spanish Archery Federation Eyes Olympic Success in Paris

Fernando Perez Soto

León, May 20 (EFE).- The technical director of the Royal Spanish Archery Federation (RFETA), Almudena Gallardo, sees it as “feasible” to be able to achieve an Olympic diploma at the Paris Games that begin at the end of July after the good performances of Spanish archers in international competitions, as stated in an interview with EFE.

The technical manager, who visited the High Performance Center (CAR) in León in recent days together with the president of the RFETA, Vicente Martínez Orga, to check the evolution of the permanent concentration program of the junior national team launched two years ago, He sees “real options” to be in the fight for privileged positions in this sport, which has just over 21,000 licenses in Spain.

“The evolution in recent years makes us optimistic, because the results have also been consistent,” said Gallardo, who has set the most immediate objective of trying to add to the two individual Olympic places – not nominal – already guaranteed, those of the respective teams. , “something that would be historic for Spanish archery.”

Until now, not even when Spain hosted the Olympic Games in Barcelona 92 ​​- the unexpected team gold was achieved – there was full representation, something that will be sought in just a few weeks in Antalya (Turkey), after The previous Olympic tickets were achieved last year at the European Games.

Squares looking for a name

The two individual places obtained still do not have recipients, neither in the men’s category, where the best placed so far is Andrés Temiño, winner of the World Cup in Shanghai (China), nor in the women’s category, despite the recent successes of Elia Canales, silver in the Chinese competition and runner-up in Europe until just a few days ago.

“The competition is tough and we will try to choose the best candidates who are in the ideal state for Paris, although sometimes this circumstance is not understood by the shooters,” insisted the technical director, who recalled the example of the Burgos shooter. Pablo Acha, who, despite having won a place for Spain in the previous Tokyo Games, was subsequently left out of the event.

And the Spanish archery quarry is also beginning to bear fruit in minor categories, where the best national talent is being forged in the CAR of León with outstanding projects, which are already realities, such as Diego Conde or, above all, Marta Aznar, who from the Leonese capital made the jump to CAR in Madrid to be part of the senior team despite not having yet turned 16 years old and after achieving the best cadet world record.

Regardless of the result obtained next summer in the French capital, the future of Spanish archery is “more than rosy”, according to Gallardo, who also values ​​the “generational change” that is taking place after athletes, each more and more young people, to this discipline, still, in a way, little known among the general public.EFE



2024-05-20 09:04:48
#Archery #Federation #sees #feasible #achieve #Olympic #diplomas #Paris


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