Spanish Archery Championship Returns to Soria with Record Number of Participants

This morning the Spanish Archery Championship was presented, which will have 215 participants from various communities. It will have two headquarters. The first in Valonsadero and the second in Alto de la Dehesa. The Councilor for Sports of Soria, Manuel Salvador, explains that having high-level sports championships “that are not the ones that everyone knows, means that people can come, especially children, and we like to promote these types of events.”

José María Rioja, vice president of the Spanish Archery Federation, highlighted that after the success of the championship in 2019, the archers have asked the federation to return to Soria. “As soon as the registrations were opened, it was already clear that there was a huge uproar to come to Soria,” he said. He also assures that a record has been broken in Soria, “not just by one person, nor by two. We have filled the field. “You are proud that you have broken the Spanish record for competitions of these field characteristics.”

Participants will participate in straight bow, traditional bow, compound, recurve and naked bows. 13 entrants from the local club, Alto Real, will participate, with Ricardo García from Adnamantino who has a chance to win a medal. Also Raquel Frías, who has participated in several World Cups. Both will participate in the naked bow modality.

On Saturday, two shooting ranges will be held on Mount Valonsadero. One inside Cañada Honda, in the corrals, with 24 shooting positions. The other in the valley from Cañada Honda to the Pedrajas road, which will have another 24 shooting positions. It will start at 8:30, because a long day is expected, since the qualifiers in the morning, and part of the qualifiers in the afternoon “to come exclusively to Alto de la Dehesa with the finals, which is what we will do on Sunday starting at 10:00 a.m. The awards ceremony is expected to take place at 3:00 p.m.

2024-05-23 17:08:39
#Record #participation #Spanish #Archery #Championship #Soria


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