Spain’s Disappointing Performance at Astana Judo Grand Slam: Only One Bronze Medal Won

Tristani Mosakhlishvili, at -90 kilos, and Davit Kevlishvili, at +100, were eliminated in the round of 16 this Sunday at the Astana Judo Grand Slam, which leaves Spain returning home with only one medal: the bronze by Ayumi Leiv at -52 kilos.

Davit Kevlishvili, at +100, began his participation with a fight against Azerbaijani Dzhamal Gamzatkhanov, whom he beat to reach the round of 16, where he was unable to beat Bislan Katamardov, who competed as a neutral. The other Spaniard in competition, ‘Tato’ Mosakhlishvili, at -90 kilos, was eliminated by disqualification in his round of 16 match against the Kazakh Kudyret Dossymov.

Spain finishes the Astana Grand Slam with the bronze medal for judoka Ayumi Leiva in -52 kilos. This leaves the Spanish delegation in 15th place in the medal table, in which Italy is in first place with four medals: one gold, one silver and two bronzes.

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2024-05-12 13:23:30
#Spain #returns #bronze #elimination #Mosakhlishvili #Kevlishvili


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