so the Goddess can take away the sixth team from us

Victory in the Europa League will not be enough to give Italy an additional place in the Champions League: if Gasperini scores nine points there will be trouble

We had definitely made do without the innkeeper. Or rather, we hadn’t taken into account the variable Atalanta. Il Italian sixth place in the Champions League is hanging by an entirely Nerazzurri thread, not only because it was, and it is necessary for the Goddess to win there Europa League final against Bayer Leverkusenwhich is entirely possible, but also because a possible run-in in the men’s championship Gasperini it would deprive Italy of the possibility of bringing six teams into the Europe of the greats. Let’s explain: the draw of the Juventus against the Salernitanacombined with the direct clash on Monday 20 May between the Bologna and the Bianconeri has in fact opened up a possibility not taken into consideration until now, namely that Atalanta can enter the top four. The calculations are quickly done: the Bergamo players, who have to recover the match against the Fiorentinathey can reach, with three victories, 72 points, an unattainable quota for one of them Juventus and Bologna which, therefore, would slip to fifth place. And given that to reach six teams in the next Champions League, Atalanta would have to win the Europa League but finish no higher than fifth place, the “damage” would be done.

It is logical, in this sense, that they look at Gasperini’s Nerazzurri with particular, and frightened attention, Rome and Lazio, sixth and seventh respectively and separated by just one point in the championship. For the Champions League to still remain possible, at least a half-slip by the Goddess in the championship is needed. At least a draw between the away match of Lecce (Salento already safe), the home match against Torino (competing for a niche in Europe) or, ultimately, against the Fiorentina in the recovery on June 2nd, with bowls still.

Because in fact, net of Atalanta’s great merits, winning the Europa League and then taking away the sixth Italian in the Champions League with 9 points in the next three championship matches would objectively be a great joke. Clearly we don’t want to say here that the Goddess has to do the math through an intermediary team, but what is certain is that Italy’s fate is entirely in his hands…

2024-05-13 07:01:42
#Goddess #sixth #team


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