Sicilian Athletes Chasing Olympic Feat at Judo World Championships in Abu Dhabi

The two from Messina and the very young girl from Ragusa are chasing the feat. In the Italian delegation there is also master Corrado Bongiorno, president of Federjudo Sicilia

Last call for judo blues to detach the “pass” by and Paris Games. From Sunday to next Friday Abu Dhabiin the Mubadala Arenaare scheduled World Championships, which, at little more than 70 days from the Paris Games, will compare athletes from 110 nations with prizes up for grabs last Olympic “passes”.

L’Italiawhich just one year ago in Doha, celebrated its best result ever at the Judo World Championships, presents itself in full ranks with 18 athletes for the individual races and another four as reinforcements to better face the race a squadre mixed-teams which will conclude the world championship on Friday.

Alice Bellandi and Asya Tavano have already obtained the “pass” for the Paris Games

The possibility for several committed Azzurri the Doha to secure the Olympic “pass” and keep the company in Paris nine Italians already qualified: Alice Bellandi, Antonio Esposito, Odette Giuffrida, Manuel Lombardo, Christian Parlati, Gennaro Pirelli, Assunta Scutto, Asya Tavano and Veronica Toniolo.

Elios Manzi, maestro Corrado Bongiorno, Savita Russo and Angelo Pantano

And they are also in the running for the Olympics three Sicilians who will be competing in Doha: the two Angelo Pantano (60 kg) and Elios Manzi (66 kg) from Messina and the very young girl from Ragusa Savita Russo (63 kg). The first to enter the race will be Angelo Pantano (GS Fiamme Gialle) grew up like Elios Manzi all Airon ’90 Furci Siculo with the teacher Corrado Bongiornopresident of Federjudo Sicily, which is part of the Italian delegation in Doha. TO Swamp it will take a real undertaking to detach the “pass” and same thing for Elios Manzi (GS Fiamme Gialle) who, in addition to going as far forward as possible, will have to leave the blue behind Matteo Piras which currently precedes him in the Olympic ranking.

The maestro Corrado Bongiorno with Genny Pirelli, Elios Manzi, Angelo Pantano and Manuel Parlati The Ragusan Savita Russo (Koizumi Scicli) with the bronze won at the European Championships around her neck at just 18 years old

Savita Russo, 18 years old, student at Koizumi Scicli of the legendary maestro Maurizio Pelligraafter climbing onto the podium of the Europei, at 18 years and 344 days, becoming the third blue ever to climb onto an Absolute continental podium After Laura Zimbaro and Maria Teresa Motta, in Doha has all the credentials in the category 63 kg to achieve a great feat and conquer the Olympic “pass”.

The Italian Odette Giuffrida in action, already has the “pass” for the Paris Games in her pocketCOPYRIGHT LASICILIA.IT © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED”).attr(n.scriptAttrs||{}).prop({charset:n.scriptCharset, src:n.url}).on(“load error”,i=function(e){r.remove(),i=null,e&&t(“error”===e.type?404:200,e. type)}),E.head.appendChild(r[0])},abort:function(){i&&i()}}});var Ut,Xt=[],Vt=/(=)?(?=&|$)|??/;S.ajaxSetup({jsonp:”callback”,jsonpCallback:function(){var e=Xt.pop()||S.expando+”_”+Ct.guid++;return this[e]=!0,e}}),S.ajaxPrefilter(“json jsonp”,function(e,t,n){var r,i,o,a=!1!==e.jsonp&&(Vt.test(e.url)?”url”:”string”==typeof||””).indexOf(“application/x-www-form-urlencoded”)&&Vt.test(”data”);if(a||”jsonp”===e.dataTypes[0])return r=e.jsonpCallback=m(e.jsonpCallback)?e.jsonpCallback():e.jsonpCallback,a?e[a]=e[a].replace(Vt,”$1″+r):!1!==e.jsonp&&(e.url+=(Et.test(e.url)?”&”:”?”)+e.jsonp+”=”+r),e.converters[“script json”]=function(){return o||S.error(r+” was not called”),o[0]},e.dataTypes[0]=”json”,i=C[r],C[r]=function(){o=arguments},n.always(function(){void 0===i?S(C).removeProp(r):C[r]=i,e[r]&&(e.jsonpCallback=t.jsonpCallback,Xt.push(r)),o&&m(i)&&i(o[0]),o=i=void 0}),”script”}),y.createHTMLDocument=((Ut=E.implementation.createHTMLDocument(“”).body).innerHTML=””,2===Ut.childNodes.length),S.parseHTML=function(e,t,n){return”string”!=typeof e?[]:(“boolean”==typeof t&&(n=t,t=!1),t||(y.createHTMLDocument?((r=(t=E.implementation.createHTMLDocument(“”)).createElement(“base”)).href=E.location.href,t.head.appendChild(r)):t=E),o=!n&&[],(i=N.exec(e))?[t.createElement(i[1])]:(i=xe([e],t,o),o&&o.length&&S(o).remove(),S.merge([],i.childNodes)));var r,i,o},S.fn.load=function(e,t,n){var r,i,o,a=this,s=e.indexOf(” “);return-1= $sticky_bar) {$back_to_top.addClass(‘active’);} else {$back_to_top.removeClass(‘active’);}lazy_opacity();lazy_load();});jQuery(window).resize( function(e) {square_aspect_ratio();});$notizie_locali.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();$(‘#menu-notizie-locali’).toggleClass(“show”);});$back_to_top.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();$(“html, body”).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 800);});$btt.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();$(“html, body”).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 800);});$search_button.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();$search_form_container.fadeIn();return false;});$close_search.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();$search_form_container.fadeOut();return false;});$hamburger.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();$(‘#hamburger-desktop-menu’).fadeIn();});$list_menu.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();console.log(;$(‘.sub-menu’).slideToggle();return false;});$closing_mobile_menu.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();$(‘#menu-notizie-locali’).toggleClass(“show”);});$hamburger_desktop.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();$(‘#hamburger-desktop-menu’).fadeIn();});$hamburger_desktop_2.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();$(‘#hamburger-desktop-menu’).fadeIn();});$close_menu_desktop.on(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();$(‘#hamburger-desktop-menu’).fadeOut();});var facebook_fired = false;if(!facebook_fired) {window.addEventListener(“scroll”, loadFacebook);facebook_fired = true;} else {window.removeEventListener(“scroll”, loadFacebook);}new Swiper(‘.swiper-trending’, {spaceBetween: 15,loop:true,autoplay: {delay: 5000,disableOnInteraction: true,},navigation: {nextEl: ‘.trending-button-prev’,prevEl: ‘.trending-button-next’,},fadeEffect: { crossFade: true },speed: 1000, slidersPerView: 1,effect: “fade”});})( jQuery );
2024-05-17 17:21:36
#Judo #World #Championships #Sunday #Doha #Sicilians #blue #Elios #Manzi #Angelo #Pantano #Savita #Russo #Olympic #pass #sights


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