Seismic swarm at Campi Flegrei. Earthquake of magnitude 4.4, the strongest in 40 years. Over 150 tremors since last night – News

Seismic swarm at Campi Flegrei.  Earthquake of magnitude 4.4, the strongest in 40 years.  Over 150 tremors since last night – News

From 7.51pm yesterday, the seismic swarm underway in the Campi Flegrei area recorded, until 12.31am today, approximately 150 earthquakes, the strongest of which was magnitude 4.4, within the Solfatara. This was highlighted by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), adding that at present there is no increase in the lifting speed, which is currently 2 cm/month, nor changes in the trend in horizontal deformations or different local deformations of the ground compared to the previous trend.
The INGV therefore recalls that during the bradyseismic crisis of 1982-84 the ground lifting reached 9 cm per month, and even exceeded 1300 seismic events per month. Currently, however, around 450 events have been recorded in the last month.
Furthermore, the geochemical parameters “do not show significant variations compared to the trends of recent months, other than the well-known increase in temperature and pressure that characterizes the hydrothermal system”.
“Seismicity – adds the INGV – is not a predictable phenomenon, therefore it cannot be ruled out that other seismic events may occur, even of similar energy to what has already been recorded during the current swarm”.
The INGV Vesuvius Observatory continues its ordinary and extraordinary monitoring activities in order to “identify even the smallest variations in the monitoring parameters useful for better defining the current phenomenon underway”.
Furthermore, the structures of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology dedicated to monitoring the Campi Flegrei caldera area “are always operational 24 hours a day and today measurements and sampling will be carried out in some sites of the caldera”.
The INGV, with its Naples section Osservatorio Vesuviano, “is constantly in contact with the national and regional Civil Protection and with the municipalities involved, as well as with all the authorities competent for the protection of the territory”.

Campi Flegrei, earthquake at 8.10pm with a magnitude of 4.4

To guarantee assistance to the population, reception areas are being set up, the activation of civil protection volunteers to support local authorities and the strengthening of traffic controls. The verification of the subservice networks and the activation of all coordination centers in connection with each other is also underway. The Department of Civil Protection will continue to monitor the evolution of the situation in constant contact with the territory.

It was of magnitude 3.5 the first significant earthquake felt yesterday in Naples at 7.51pm – with its epicenter in the Campi Flegrei area – and which started a swarm of earthquakes. A subsequent shock was magnitude 4.4 at 8.10 pm at a depth of three kilometers.

The phenomenon was also felt on the island of Procidanot only in the hilly and central area of ​​Naples, but also in the hinterland municipalities, such as Casavatore e Giugliano in Campania. Reports also from Afragola.
The Campi Flegrei had already been affected by an earthquake swarm this morning, the main shock of which was magnitude 2.3, at 8.50.

The magnitude 4.4 earthquake should be that of greater intensity than the last forty years, the strongest ever recorded since the phenomenon of bradyseism reappeared in the Campi Flegrei. The previous record dates back to the earthquake of September 27th: then the magnitude recorded was 4.2, slightly lower than that of the shock detected by the seismographs last night. And even then, like yesterday, the depth was identified at 3 km, in the Solfatara area. After the quake at 8.10pm – which was preceded by an earthquake swarm that started at 7.51pm – there were many tremors of lower intensity which are still ongoing and in any case of not high magnitude. In particular, at 19.56 of magnitude 1.8, at 20.09 of 1.5, at 2012 of magnitude 1.0 and at 20.16 of 1.2.

Some reports have been received at the fire brigade operations room cracks and falling cornices, external plaster or fallen tiles in the house in areas close to the epicenter of earthquakes. No harm to people. Local checks are underway.

Schools remain closed in Pozzuoli, informs the Municipality, on the Facebook page. “We are gathered – we read in a post – to address the situation. We are receiving several reports both to the Civil Protection and the Municipal Police, but the lines are overloaded. In case of difficulty, you can also use the messages on the Facebook channel of the Municipality of Pozzuoli, and the mayor Gigi Manzoni, indicating address including number and telephone number. In the meantime, we ask you to remain calm.

At the Campi Flegrei: “It seemed like it would never end”

“This time it was heavy, it seemed like it would never end.” In Bagnoli, along the avenue that runs alongside the former NATO base, a man talks about the fear he felt from the two earthquakes that pushed many people from the Campi Flegrei, like him and his young children, to take to the streets.

Are you thinking of returning home? “Let’s see, not for now,” she replies. There are also many people on the seafront that connects Bagnoli to Pozzuoli, a narrow road that suggests staying on the pavement opposite to that of the buildings. The premises are open, but there is no one inside.

The mayor of Pozzuoli: “Keep calm”

“We all felt the shock of a few minutes ago, stay calm, we are in contact with the Vesuvian Observatory for all the updates”, says the mayor of Pozzuoli, Gigi Manzoni. The Municipality’s press office reports that the mayor has brought together the Municipal Operations Center (Coc) in the Municipality to organize the teams of technicians to detect any damage to the buildings.

The mayor received the call from Minister Musumeci, who “made himself completely available for everything”. The director of regional civil protection is also arriving at the municipal headquarters.

Hundreds of citizens poured into the streets, as well as in Bagnoli, where many cars with people on board are parked along the large avenue of the former NATO base.

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2024-05-21 02:45:00
#Seismic #swarm #Campi #Flegrei #Earthquake #magnitude #strongest #years #tremors #night #News


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