Scottish Championship: in the legendary “old firm”, Celtic beats Rangers and heads towards the title

It would now take a cataclysm for Brendan Rodgers’ men not to lift the Scottish champion trophy next weekend. By winning the Old Firm, the Glasgow derby, with a score of 2 goals to 1, Celtic probably put an end to the suspense in the very north of the kingdom. Separated by 3 points before kick-off, the two teams could have found themselves perfectly tied if the Rangers had managed to win. However, the Old Firm’s sulphurous reputation is not stolen and a strong tackle more or less sealed the deal.

It all played out at the end of the first half. Celtic scored twice, first through their midfielder Matt O’Riley, then benefiting from an own goal (Lundstram). And while Dessers reduced the gap shortly before the break, the already at fault Lundstram indulged in a very strong tackle on Alistair Johnston, synonymous with exclusion. Manager despite a missed penalty in the second period, Celtic now bring the gap to six points with their rival of the day. Consequently, a draw will be enough for him next weekend to win his 54th championship.

Less dominant this season with the departure of several executives, the reigning champion also benefited from a less successful second part of the season from his best enemy. Since 2012, only the 2021 edition of the championship has escaped the Bhoys.


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