San Marino Baseball Dominates Fortitudo Bologna 8-2 in Triptych Opener

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Splendid victory by San Marino Baseballwhich in gara1 of the triptych with the Fortitudo Bologna has the upper hand 8-2 thanks to a full-throttle first half of the match. The first two innings were decisive for the result, with the boys taking a 6-0 lead and never looking back. On the mountain the winning it’s a Peter once again very effective. Salvezza per Kourtis, loser Leon. 3/3 in the box for Marcos Diaz.

THE NEWS. It was said about the beginning. Well, after three quick outs by Pedrol, in the bottom of the 1st San Marino immediately took the lead. First of all with Tromp, who from leadoff shoots the ball out for the home run to make it 1-0. Not only that, because for Diaz there is a double, Batista is on base on an error and Celli advances them both with the bounce. With two in point position, Alvarez’s next single is crucial, as he brings in the two runs to make it 3-0 in just one swing of the bat. In the 2nd, with two outs and the bases empty, foot on the accelerator again and more runs come in. For Ferrini there is the base ball, Tromp continues his beautiful evening with a single and Diaz fills the bases after receiving four balls. The moment is important and it is Batista who splits the game in two, whose deep double to the left brings in the three points of 6-0. In the 3rd, with Civit San Martin replacing Leon, the home team managed to score another point, once again with two outs and the bases empty. Pieternella’s triple keeps the inning alive, as does the base to Lopez. On Ferrini’s serve, it is the defense’s shooting error that generates the 7-0. The advantage puts the match on the most favorable track for San Marino Baseball, with Bologna however scoring its first point in 4th. It does so thanks to Gamberini’s second hit of the evening, a double that sends Helder running to third, and Liberatore’s subsequent rebound, which brings in the point. At the change of court here was San Marino’s eighth point, generated by Alvarez’s sprint (8-1) after Diaz and Celli’s singles. In the 5th minute Bologna scores their second point on Severino. An error, a hit and a base ball fill the cushions, while a wild pitch allows Giacomini to arrive home. With the bases full, Kourtis enters and the defense completes an important double play that closes the second half. No more scoring, San Marino wins the first match of the series 8-2.


BOLOGNA: Agretti es (0/2), Paolini 2b (0/2), Helder 1b (0/3), Martina (Fuzzi 0/1) 3b (0/2), Gamberini dh (2/3), Liberatore r (0 /3), Borghi (Bacci 0/1) and (0/2), Giacomini ss (0/2), Bertossi (Mengoli 0/1) and c (0/1).

SAN MARINO: Tromp ec (2/4), Diaz 3b (3/3), Batista ed (2/4), Celli (Di Raffaele 0/1) dh (1/3), Alvarez r (1/3), Angulo 2b ( 0/3), Pieternella es (1/3), Lopez ss (0/2), Ferrini 1b (0/2).

BOLOGNA: 000 110 0 = 2 bv 2 e 2
SAN MARINO: 331 100 X = 8 bv 10 e 1

PITCHERS: Leon (L) rl 2, bvc 5, bb 2, so 1, pgl 5; Civit San Martin (r) rl 4, bvc 5, bb 1, so 3, pgl 1; Pedrol (W) rl 4, bvc 2, bb 2, so 4, pgl 1; Severino (r) rl 0.1, bvc 0, bb 2, so 0, pgl 0; Kourtis (S) rl 2.2, bvc 0, bb 2, so 6, pgl 0.

NOTE: home run by Tromp (1st in the 1st); triple by Pieternella; doubles by Gamberini, Diaz and Batista.

2024-05-16 23:58:54
#Game1 #San #MarinoFortitudo #Bologna


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