San Marino Baseball Completes Hat-Trick of Wins in Group A

It’s a trio of successes for San Marino Baseball in this last first leg of Group A. Celli and his teammates win 2-1 in game 3 against Parmaclima and thus complete the sweep after the victories in game 1 and game 2. In the match on Saturday evening the advantage came with Ferrini’s hit in the 4th, a single that brought home two points, decisive for the final outcome. Parma shortens in the 5th and comes close to turning the game around in the 6th, but Baez finishes like a champion after the excellent work of De Leon. Now the ranking says that San Marino rises to 12 wins and 3 losses, with Bologna at 10-5, Parma at 9-6, Macerata at 8-7, Bsc Grosseto at 5-10 and Bbc Grosseto at 1-14.

THE NEWS. San Marino wastes putting two men on base in the 1st and 2nd without scoring. Parmaclima does the same thing, which after singles from Encarnacion and Ascanio in the 2nd sees Monello double play to close the second half.

In the 4th the hosts pass. Celli’s long serve to the left counts as a double, but Pieternella’s subsequent bounce brings the out to third. Angulo also hits a double, with the offense therefore placing two men in point position with only one out. Lopez is the second out, but the opportunity remains tempting and Ferrini exploits it with a single to the right that brings home the points for 2-0.

At the change of pitch Parmaclima steps forward. Encarnacion, with the base ball, and Ascanio, with the single, start the attack well. Monello is eliminated at the plate by De Leon and in Scerrato’s turn a wild pitch brings in the point (2-1). The same player is the second out (flyed by Celli), but there is still the man on third and San Marino is saved with Flisi’s elimination F9.

In the 6th, after Angioi’s single, Desimoni’s bunt and the base to Noel Gonzalez, Fernando Baez’s moment came. The closer eliminates Luis Gonzalez at the plate, grants the base to Encarnacion but then, with the bases full, strikes out Ascanio to end the second half.

In the last ducal attack, the 7th, Baez begins with another “K” on Monello, then hits Scerrato, also eliminates Astorri at the plate and hits Angioi. An out is missing but Parma has the point of potential equalization in second. It ends with another strikeout (Desimoni), Baez’s fifth out of five outs. San Marino wins 2-1 and completes the hat-trick.


PARMACLIMA: Angioi 2b (1/3), Desimoni ec (0/3), N. Gonzalez ed (0/2), L. Gonzales ss (0/3), Encarnacion 3b (1/1), Ascanio 1b (2/ 3), Monello r (0/3), Scerrato dh (0/2), Flisi (Astorri 0/1) es (0/2).

SAN MARINO: Tromp es (1/2), Diaz 3b (0/3), Batista ed (0/2), Alvarez 1b (0/3), Celli ec (1/3), Pieternella r (0/3), Angulo dh (2/3), Lopez ss (1/2), Ferrini 2b (1/2).

PARMACLIMA: 000 010 0 = 1 bv 4 e 1

SAN MARINO: 000 200 X = 2 bv 6 e 1

PITCHERS: Figueredo (L) rl 4, bvc 6, bb 1, so 1, pgl 2; Scotti (r) rl 2, bvc 0, bb 0, so 2, pgl 0; De Leon (W) rl 5.1, bvc 4, bb 2, so 2, pgl 1; Baez (S) rl 1.2, bvc 0, bb 1, so 5, pgl 0.

NOTE: doubles by Celli and Angulo.

2024-05-25 23:55:57
#Baseball #San #Marino #wins #game #Parmaclima #completes #sweep


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