Rosalind Canter Leads English Classic at CCI 5*-L Badminton 2023: Florian Ganneval Makes Strong Comeback

Victorious outing of the CCI 5*-L Badminton in 2023 with Lordships Graffalo, Rosalind Canter is once again leading the English classic, this time with Izilot DHI, after dressage. At the end of this test, the world number two is ahead of her compatriot Bubby Upton, with Cola, while Tim Price and Vitali complete the provisional podium. The best Frenchman, Florian Ganneval, is tied for twenty-sixth place with Blue Bird de Beaufour.

She was expected at Badminton as the favorite, and she did not fail! At the end of the dressage test of this legendary CCI 5*-L, Rosalind – alias Ros – Canter is well in the lead with Izilot DHI, winner last year of the CCI 4*-L of Blenheim and the CCI 5*- L from Pau. Their dressage test, which they performed today on the grounds of the Dukes of Beaufort, earned them an average of 74.69%, or 25.3 penalties. If, last year, the reigning double European champion was able to maintain her leadership from the first test to the last at Badminton with Lordships Graffalo, she insisted at a press conference on the fact that nothing was over yet. “Izilot is an exceptionally brave horse so I feel very confident riding him, but this is the first time he has taken part in an event of this magnitude and he has never faced such a cross country. long”she explained, the optimum time for the long-distance test scheduled for tomorrow being eleven minutes and nineteen seconds. “In Pau, we were held back during the course (following the fall of a previous competitor, editor’s note), which gave him time to recover. Tomorrow I will start with the intention of going fast and finishing without incident, but at the same time I will listen to what he tells me, because I know he is also a great horse for the future.

In the lead after the first day of dressage, Bubby Upton, whose participation was something of a miracle, only fell one place this Friday with his Cola and his 27.3 penalties. She is ahead of Tim Price, who has success in many major events under his belt, but has never won at Badminton. With Vitali, he totals 27.7 penalties. “It’s a good thing to be on the podium at this stage of the competition”declared the New Zealander. “It’s going to be fun to try to climb the rankings.” For now, it is quite close, since less than four points separate Rosalind Canter from Emily King, fifth with Valmy Biats and 29.2 penalties while Boyd Martin and Tsetserleg are fourth with 29 points. What’s more, the top thirty are only separated by ten points, which could be quickly gained during the cross country.

On the French side, Florian Ganneval made the best recovery at the reins of Blue Bird de Beaufour. The couple, who finished seventeenth in Pau in 2023, are in twenty-sixth place and have 34.7 penalties. Gaspard Maksud and Kan-Do 2 are fifty-sixth with 38.1 points, while Arthur Marx and Luc Château are currently in sixty-five and sixty-sixth positions associated with Church’Ile (43) and Viens du Mount (43.1).

The results

Find FLORIAN GANNEVAL in videos on Find BLUE BIRD DE BEAUFOUR in videos on
2024-05-10 18:53:01
#Izilot #DHI #Rosalind #Canter #lead #CCI #Badminton #year


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